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I felt a bit disappointed as I left Bakugou's home. I guess I thought I had struck a chord in him and he wouldn't still shut me out like everyone else. I looked down at my feet as I walked along the side of the street. Everything in me wanted to turn around and storm back into his room and set things straight. I just didn't want him to be alone.
I didn't understand why my feelings towards him had completely flipped. He used to be annoying to me but now I feel this incredible pressure on my shoulders like I should be comforting him and holding on to him.
I never did that for anyone. Frankly, I wish someone did that for me when I needed it. There were so many times I had felt completely alone and isolated within my own mind. I sympathized with Bakugou, but he was just too damn stubborn.
My eyes lifted at the sound of footsteps in front of me. There was the freckled boy I called my friend. He had that ridiculous grin on his face when he approached me.
"Todoroki! Did you get those notes to Kachan?" He asked, his hands gripping each strap from his bag on his back.
"Midoriya, yeah I did, I was just heading home," I replied, sliding my hands into my pockets
"Oh, alright. W-well when I saw you I just wanted to make sure Kachan didn't explode you or anything," He blushed while he grinned, "He can be a real pain in the ass."
I gave him a light chuckle, "Yeah, you're right."
We stood in silence for a moment. He looked like he was trying to say something but couldn't find any words.
"Um… hey Todoroki? I was thinking, I'm kind of behind in training. N-not like behind skill wise! No! I just need more practice against someone strong," He sounded like he was going to start rambling again, "a-anyway, if you're not too busy! Could I maybe fight you?"
I smirked a bit, "Midoriya I don't know, even I feel behind in my training I'm not sure what kind of help I'd be for you."
He waved his hands, "Oh don't worry! You don't need to feel any pressure in using your left side! That was just to help you when you fought Kachan at the festival, I-I mean, I guess you would've probably won either way but I can understand not really going for it his determination can be quite frightening I-I mean it frightens me and-"
"Okay, okay, Midoriya, I'll fight you."
He seemed pleased with my answer.
"You will? Oh that's great! Come on, if we walk a little outside of town we'll have plenty of space."
So I followed him. He was shorter than I, maybe a bit shorter than Bakugou. His messy hair bounced with each step he took. I wondered what went on in his mind all the time.
He rambled about something I'd lost interest in but politely reacted to each pause he had to make it seem like I was listening. When we had walked far enough he stopped and turned to face me.
"Alright Todoroki, I uh- oh- um can I ask you something real quick?" He tilted his head.
"Can I call you Shoto?" He asked.
He was my friend, I didn't see a problem with it so I nodded, "Yeah you can."
"Thanks! You can call me whatever you want I'm not too picky," He laughed nervously.
I looked around, we were a bit outside of the city's suburbs with more space around us so we couldn't cause much damage around us. It was a decent location. If I did use my left side I'd probably start a fire with all the grass and weeds around us.
"Right! Shoto, I'll move over there so we have enough space between us. Are you ready?" He began walking away from me.
"Yeah I am, it's on your move," I bent my knees and raised my right hand, waiting for him to make a move.
He was quick to take action, turning and launching his body forward with a mighty push with his feet. I turned my back so he instead whipped right past me. I looked to see if I could catch him off guard with a straight shot of ice from me to his legs but he moved again. This time he had himself in the air, coming towards me at high speed with his fists balled up.
I ducked and threw a strong, cold punch above my head. I felt my fist collide with his stomach.
That was enough to down him. He fell to the ground on his back and took a sharp inhale. I paused to see if he would get up.
"Agh, just a second I just need to get up- ugh!" He winced and held his side, "See Shoto? I don't know what's with me I-I just can't seem to focus. It took one hit from you to drop my defense. I think I'm getting weaker," He sat up.
"No Midoriya, you were doing fine. I think you're right about your focus, do you have a lot on your mind?" I asked, kneeling in front of him.
He shook his head, "I-I don't think so… I mean, I shouldn't! I don't think it's what's on my mind, that can't be it!" He rubbed his stomach and stood up.
"Alright, want to go again?" I asked.
He nodded and I could see his quirk travel up his body and into his eyes like blood flow. I took a step back, commanding my body instantly to drop it's temperature.
He lunged again, throwing quick punches from left to right. I ducked and turned my head, taking steps back as he got closer. One window I saw I took to freeze the ground and cause him to slip. Basically throwing myself at him, I froze both his hands and feet to the frosty layer beneath him making him basically immobile. I took one look as my hand froze a large shard of ice for my use. I slammed it just inches away from his head into the ground. He flinched and struggled under my ice's strong hold. 
"Agh! Dammit Shoto I can't move!" He yelled squirming and pulling his limbs.
"Well if you want out of there, make it happen," I said, powering up the strongest of my attacks I had.
He also charged himself. Streams of greens and turquoises shot around his hands and feet. Soon enough his limbs broke free and landed a fairly strong attack to my legs.
The shock of the strong attack hitting my legs brought me to the ground. Before I could act, Midoriya blindly brought a strong kick down to my legs. I say blindly because I could feel my knees shatter which I knew probably wasn't his intention.
I couldn't hold back a loud, pained groan. I instantly brought my hands to my knees and gripped them. They ached, hurt, and felt already swollen. 
Midoriya gasped, "Oh Shoto! Shit shit shit I thought you were going to move! I-I'm so sorry oh geez oh man what do I do!?" He hopped around me frantically.
"It's… fffine," I said through my clenched teeth.
"Oh you won't be able to walk now, shit! Just one second Shoto I can get you to Recovery Girl before she leaves the academy for the day. Let me just…" He quickly pulled out his phone and dialed a number. 
My knees fucking hurt, I know he didn't mean to destroy them but my reflexes wanted to beat his face.
"Iida! Can you please rush here as fast as you can? Todoroki's knees are broken. I accidentally landed on them in our training and he can't walk. We need to get to Recovery Girl before she leaves!" He bit his fingernails.
"Thank you Iida I'll send my location to you right now!" He hung up and tapped his screen a few times.
"There, he's on his way," He sighed sitting next to me, "I'm truly sorry I had no idea-"
I shook my head, "Midoriya, it's okay, really. I'm sure Recovery Girl can fix this."
I winced at the throbbing and ongoing stings of pain I felt through my legs. It wasn't long before they went numb. Iida showed up exceptionally fast.
"Todoroki, I'll get you back to UA in no time, I will have to carry you but it shouldn't be any problem," He leaned forward and picked me up. I let out a groan at the sharp stings again. His arm was under both of my knees, causing slight pressure which made it hurt worse.
"Just take him Iida, I'll check up on you Shoto. I hope she does a good job on you!" He called as Iida took no hesitation to begin running.
We made it to UA in the nick of time. Recovery Girl was held up talking to the principal that she hadn't gotten all the way out of the office door yet. She took one look at me and dismissed herself from the conversation.
"Thank you young man, I'll talk care of this one," She said as he set me on one of the beds.
He bowed and wished me luck before stepping out of the room.
"Todoroki, was this your father?" She asked quietly as she dug through her drawers.
I'd come here every now and again when things would get out of hand at home with my father. She made quick work of getting my body to look like he hadn't beaten me around all night calling it training. She knew more about me than anyone else in the faculty.
"No, I was trying to help Midoriya train and he landed a shot on my legs when I was down. It was an accident, I just need to be able to walk."
"Well Todoroki I hate to say this may take a full day or two to really put back into place. You'll miss class tomorrow, and you won't be going home tonight. Shall I talk to your father?"
"N-No, I'll call him. Can we just get the hard part out of the way before that? This doesn't feel great."
With that she focused on fixing me. I could already start to feel my knees hurt less. It went from unbearable to uncomfortable, which was good enough. 
"I'll let you call your father, I can't stay here with you overnight. I'll bring you some water, you will rest here until I return in the morning, okay?"
I nodded. When she left I grabbed my phone, found my father's contact, and pressed the call icon.
It rang, rang, rang, and then he answered.
"Where are you," his voice low.
"I'm at the academy, I-I, stayed late to train. You know, practicing my fire. I kind of went too rough and ended up hurting myself so I have to stay here overnight to recover in the infirmary.." I spoke slowly, afraid if I chose the wrong words he'd blow.
"You'll be staying in the infirmary?" 
"Yes sir."
"You will return home after class tomorrow."
"Yes sir."
He hung up. I lowered my phone and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. With that out of the way, I was able to sink back into the pillow and try to relax.

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