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It was Thursday. I could get out of this house and go to school. I didn't enjoy my time off. My father and I are like complete strangers now. I've cleaned every inch of the house inside and out. The house doesn't even look like it's been lived in anymore.
I slang my bag over my shoulder and headed out the front door. 
The walk to the academy was too long. 
I longed to see his face again, to hold him again.
I could finally see the building in the distance as time progressed. My pace quickened and I gripped the strap of my bag tightly. I didn't see any sign of Katsuki, Kirishima, or Midoriya. 
As I neared the front, I scanned the area for any familiar heads. I didn't notice anyone besides Ojiro walking with an outfit beside him, it must be Hagakure. 
I entered the building and waved a bit at Ochako who was talking with someone against the wall of the hallway. I hurried through everyone to the classroom and stepped in.
"Hey! Todoroki! Welcome back!" Sero clapped his hands together.
Momo flashed a smile and waved, "Good to see you Todoroki!"
I nodded to them and gave them a small smile. Before I could step any further, Iida stopped me. He put his hands behind his back and clicked his heels together.
"Yes, good to have you back Todoroki. I hate to see my classmates falling behind. I've written out very detailed notes on every lecture and drill we've had for you. I took the courtesy of placing the notes on your desk."
"Uh… thanks Iida," I responded quietly.
He grinned and gave a thumbs up, "It is my pleasure! Welcome back."
He stepped away. 
My eyes flew straight to Katsuki's empty chair. I felt disappointed, but walked to my seat anyway. Midoriya was there, leaned over one of his notebooks just writing away at something. He didn't look up or greet me at all. Tokoyami turned around in his chair and nodded to me as his way of welcoming me back I guessed. I nodded back and looked down at the elaborate notes Iida had left for me. They were each sectioned off and color coded precisely. I pushed them aside and looked around. Kirishima wasn't in either and it made me jealous. 
My knee bounced under my desk as I waited.

The bell rang for class to begin. Aizawa wasn't in yet but that was per usual. As I almost gave up on watching the door, Kirishima and Katsuki both stumbled in quickly. Kirishima had a stupid smile on his face and Katsuki was out of breath. They quickly made their way to their seats. Kaminari leaned over to Kirishima and pointed at Katsuki as he mumbled something to him. I snapped my pencil in half.
Katsuki sat down and took a moment before he finally took the time to turn his head and look at me. I tried to hold onto his gaze for as long as I could before Aizawa stepped in and began speaking. Midoriya slumped back in his chair away from Katsuki and kept his head down. I knew one thing for certain, I'd be able to talk to Katsuki and touch him when lunch rolled around. I tried my best to be patient.

My heart nearly stopped when I finally saw Shoto again. There was so much I wanted to do and say to him. Waiting through class was painful. He looked like he felt the same when we locked eyes. I knew the lunch hour would finally be our chance but it felt so far away.
I noticed Kirishima continuously looking over at me and trying to communicate telepathically and it just wasn't working. I tried my best to ignore him. I knew Shoto deep down was the type to get worried and jealous. I knew because I was too.
When that bell finally rang I wasted no time to get up and run. I pushed past everyone and shoved through lines to get out the doors and around the building. I grabbed hold of the ladder and climbed to the top as fast as I could. I knelt down in the middle of the roof and set my things down, rolling up my sleeves and loosening my tie. 
Before I could even think or react, I felt a body crash into mine. I put a hand forward to catch myself before I would faceplant. I turned in his grip and wrapped my arms around him tightly. It felt so right. I felt so safe again. 
He pushed his face deep in my shoulder and took a long breath. I did the same.
"I missed you," He mumbled.
"I missed you too, Shoto."
"I missed this," He said, pulling back a bit to breathe.
I pushed a few hairs from in front of his face and planted a soft kiss on his lips, which he returned. Kissing him was like painting a picture. Everything worked in such beautiful motion. Our chemistry was perfectly in sync. His lips were soft and slow with their movements and mine made good work of filling in between the lines.
He was the first to pull away and he sighed, looking at me for a moment. I mused at his eyes and his nose and his lips. His face was so gentle and painted to perfection. Being away from him for so long drove me to appreciate just how much I loved and needed him.
We both laid back and stared up at the sky together. I tangled our legs together and rested my head against his chest. Hearing his heartbeat again was everything I needed in this moment for it to be perfect.
We sat in silence just breathing together and holding one another. He knew just how to run his fingers through my hair without catching a tangle. I ran my hand up and down his torso and closed my eyes. 
It was a while before either of us spoke.
"You're staying with Kirishima now?" He asked, in his low voice.
I sighed, "Yeah, I am. It's only been two days but it's better than living with Deku."
His fingers stopped and he spoke again, "Why did you leave?"
I shrugged a bit, "I was sick of that place. I needed away from those two. They look at me like I'm crazy and Deku is just a freak."
"Hey, come on," He lightly pinched me, "Don't say that."
I raised my head so my chin was propped up on his chest instead, "Well it won't be long until I can go home. Just counting the days now."
He looked like he was thinking, then spoke again, "Midoriya was acting really weird the other day. I came to find you but you had already left. He wasn't chipper or even phased by me being there. He kept the conversation short and I left after maybe three minutes of talking to him."
"Okay? You told me I can't say freak so what else do I say?"
"Did something happen between you two?"
"No, did he mention something?"
"No, but it looked like there was something he wasn't telling me."
"I mean, what Shoto, he's weird. He always has been. Why is this a concern to you that he's acting weirder than usual?"
He didn't answer. I could tell he knew something more had happened. I wasn't about to explain to him what happened either. I tried to brush off the conversation best I could.
"Has your piece of shit father done anything more to you?"
"Well," he said, "So far in the past few days I've done too many chores to count. He hasn't spoken to me directly or let himself be near me for more than a minute."
"Tch. What an asshole."
"What do you think your parents would say if you told them you were gay?"
I thought for a moment. What a good question. I hadn't even taken into consideration that I'd have to explain myself to them. They aren't ever around. I forget that to some, it's not normal for a guy to be dating a guy. 
"I don't really know," I responded, "Guess I've never thought about that part."
He slowly sat up so I'd have time to adjust and sit up with him. He looked at me, "I want to tell people."
I blinked and stared at him, "People…?"
"Our classmates," he said, "I want to tell them what we are."
"O-oh, I thought we were-"
"The cat's out of the bag to my father, he was the only one I was worried about. I want to make this relationship feel even more real by letting others know that we belong to each other."
I slowly nodded, "Maybe not just yet…"
"What? Why not? I thought you were tired of hiding it?"
"I am- it's just…"
He turned his head to the side, "What is it?"

I thought about this morning. Kirishima woke me up for school and took no hesitation to dress himself right in front of me. I didn't look at him as I began to dress myself. I felt him staring at me, so I tried turning away. I felt him get closer to me and he ran a hand over my back as I was bent over trying to slip on my socks. I stood up straight and turned to tell him off, but before I spoke he grabbed my head and kissed me. The edges of his teeth almost cut my lips as he did it. I tried to push him away but he persisted. I knew I should've put more of an effort into getting him off of me, but I gave up after a couple pushes. He pulled my waist into him and kissed me for minutes. When he finally pulled away, he wiped a finger over his lip and smiled a bit. I felt my face burning up. It felt wrong. I didn't know how to speak up at that point.
"Come on Bakugo, don't act like you don't miss this," He said, fixing the tie on his neck.
"I…" I couldn't say a word, my chest felt heavy.
"I know you haven't had anyone else touch you since I have, you were a virgin," He chuckled a bit, "I remember how nervous you were the first time."
I shook my head and turned away again, picking up my things and shoving them back into my bag.
"Come on Bakugo, we have time, let's mess around. For old time's sake. I miss this too, you know."
I couldn't say anything more than, "We have to go."
He shrugged and clicked his tongue, "Alright, alright, maybe later then."

I slowly blinked back into reality after spacing out in front of Shoto. I looked at him and sighed, leaning into him.
"I just need a little more time, I want to tell my parents first."
I felt him nod, "Okay…" he wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head, "I love you Katsuki."
"I love you too Shoto."

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