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When I opened my eyes my arm was completely numb. I tried to move it but I found that Todoroki was still in my bed and glued to my side. It wasn't very bright outside, but I could hear birds chirping. I nestled closer to him and tried to ignore my dead arm.
I was kind of relieved to know now that we had some sort of label. Like we weren't chasing around confusing feelings. I couldn't really believe my opinion on him could change in this short amount of time. I guess I just couldn't see us doing shit like this. 
I hadn't had a headache in days. I felt less dead than usual, like I had something to look forward to; Which was this Icyhot kid smashing me in his embrace. 
I tried adjusting us a bit and he stirred. I was able to free my arm and turn on his side to face him. We still had our legs tangled together and his arms still reached out to hold me. 
When he adjusted a bit more his eyes slowly opened and met mine. I blinked and pushed his tangled hair out of his face. His scar was showing completely, along with his eyebrows and forehead. I forgot there was more to his face under those bangs. He inhaled and cleared his throat.
"Mmmwhat time is it?" He asked, his voice was low and groggy and I knew I was going to die.
I searched the bed for my phone, finding it in my pocket. It was really hot, sleeping with it on me probably wasn't a good idea.
"It's almost 6:30," I said ignoring my texts I received overnight.
He swiftly sat up and brought his hands to his head, "Oh fuck me, dammit!" He stood up and tried to smooth down his hair while he struggled into his shoes.
"Uh, what's going on?" I asked, sitting up, "It's the weekend."
"No, no, it's-" He snatched his phone and stared at it, then sighed and threw his head back to stare at the ceiling, "It's my father, he's going to ream my ass. I wasn't supposed to even come here yesterday let alone stay all night without telling him."
I raised a brow, "It really matters to him that much?"
He lowered his head and grabbed his bag, "It does, I'm sorry. I have to go."
I felt a little awkward and disappointed. I had a little plan of maybe feeding us breakfast and getting to know how our relationship was going to work. He headed for the door but stopped himself. His body whipped around and made it's way over to me. 
"If I'm not in deep shit I'll call you or something," He said and used his hand to bring my face closer to kiss me. 
"Alright, whatever," I grumbled and watched him quickly leave.
I decided to check my phone, reading through texts.
Kirishima had texted me not that long ago, pretty early for him.

Yo, if you're not busy today why don't we go somewhere and hang out?

I want answers, Bakugou.

You know what I want to talk about.

I know you're awake, you always wake up at a disgusting hour.

I rolled my eyes and decided to call him instead of type out a bunch of shit. I waited for an answer. 
"Hey, Bakugou," His voice still had that edge to it like jagged rocks, even through the phone speaker.
"I'm answering all those stupid texts asshole, where do you want to go anyway?" I said scratching the back of my head.
"Meet me down at the park? I know it's not far from your place."
"Yeah whatever, bye," I hung up and grabbed my shoes.

I showed up later than I thought. I wore a hoodie and jeans even though it was actually pretty nice out and the long sleeves were overkill. I knew if my healing scabs were out in the open Kirishima would want to talk about it until they were actually healed scars.
I found him sitting on a bench near the pond. I stuffed my hands in my hoodie pocket and cleared my throat. He turned and looked up to meet my eyes.
"Oh Bakugou, you're here."
"Of course I am dumbass."
He slid aside and patted the space next to him. I sat, staring at the water. It took about a minute for him to speak up.
"So, Bakugou I just want to hear why you did that. I mean I know people do that when they're really sad but I guess I just didn't think you felt that way. You're really hard to read man. What's going on?" He rubbed his hands over his knees and looked at me all concerned and shit.
I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows together, "It was a bad day, I don't know. I guess I thought it would help or whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Well I mean they looked a little serious, and you also let Kaminari beat you yesterday too… Something's different about you, I'm just worried."
I rolled my eyes, "That fight was a mistake. I didn't let him win. I'm just tired that's all."
"Well it's fine if you want to leave it at that, Bakugou. Just know that you've got me as your friend if you need to talk to someone about whatever the hell is going on."
I leaned back and looked out at the trees behind the pond, "Yeah, okay."
We sat for a moment.
"Hey, so anyway," Kirishima's tone switched to normal and goofy, "I was gonna ask if you wanted to run some laps or something but, well, ya showed up in jeans."
"You think I can't run in jeans?" I grumbled.
"Well I mean if you want to I'm so down," He smiled with his jagged sharky teeth.
"Fine, let's do it," I stood up.
"Alright!" He jumped up and shot a fist in the air.


When I got home it sounded like my father was still asleep. I carefully made my way across my house and into the bathroom. I needed a shower bad. I didn't realize I'd gone two days without it. I turned on the water and took my clothes off. I met eyes with my reflection and stared. Sometimes I really couldn't stand looking at myself. My scar constantly reminded me of who I didn't want to become. 
I could sometimes still feel the burning sensation in my cheek and forehead when I thought about that day. The pain was intense, it hurt for so long after that. I cried almost every night until I fell asleep. Each tear that fell on the wound stung and no one comforted me when I cried so loud my voice strained.
I looked away. I couldn't keep thinking about it, I was just getting better about it. 
I stepped in the shower and let the water beat down on my neck and shoulders. I scrubbed at my skin and head, slowly trying to wash away the bad thoughts that kept creeping up on me.
When I finished and dried off, I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out into the hallway. I could hear footsteps across the house and I instantly knew my father was awake. I tried to hurry to my room to get dressed. In the middle of my putting on my last sock he spoke from behind the door.
"Shoto, come out here."
I opened the door and looked up at him, and he looked down. I was nervous and he could probably see it.
"Where were you, and do not lie."
"I…" I swallowed, "I went home with Katsuki Bakugou."
He frowned, "What did I tell you about that boy, Shoto?"
I tried not to slouch over and hide my face the best I could, "He's shameful, bad, and not to be spoken to."
"Yes, and you know how I don't like to repeat myself. What were you doing talking to him let alone go to his home?"
"I've been trying to get to know him, I don't know… I guess I thought he maybe isn't as bad as everyone thinks."
"Shoto, he's disrespectful. The display he made at the festival was shameful. He's out of control and he's no hero if he thinks any of that is permissible. You shouldn't be near someone like that, if you know what's good for you. I'm your father, and until you learn to control your quirk and become something you'll obey my word. Now, I need to take care of things. You'll stay here. Tidy up this house."
He turned on his feet and walked away. 
I waited until he left to start sweeping. Then… my mind went crazy and I needed to call him. Bakugou, I needed to call Bakugou.

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