Chapter 7

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As lunchtime rolled around Alison and Katrina had cooked everybody some food and served it and everybody was sitting around the dinning table eating and when Astrid addresses the group. "Guys, Scarlett still needs to tell us something." Everybody looks at Scarlett.

Confused Scarlett's only reply was "I'm gay?"

"Everybody already knows that. You said you would tell us what happened when the guys were chasing us."

"Oh, that. Well, I told us all to split up and then I stayed back to fight them and when I was talking down the 4th one, the 5th one attacked me, and I didn't see it coming then everything went black. I honestly don't know what happened but when I woke up, I made my way back here. Simple." She then continued eating until everybody started asking questions all at once.

"Guys, I've told you the whole story, there's nothing else to it. I know it was stupid so Fields, Singh, and Pearce, don't try and tell me I could have died, I know. Summers and Fox don't tell me I'm stupid, I know. And Taylor's I'm not hurt so don't try and fix me because I don't need it. Understood? Good. Now go back to eating before it gets cold." And that was the end of the conversation.

After everybody had eaten everybody had Astrid, Adrian, and Katrina went to train. The Taylor twins went to practice science and Scarlett and Kai were relaxing in the living room while Alison was practicing cooking and Mel was reading at the breakfast bar talking to Alison.

"Kai, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"Your twin."

"What about her?"

"Is she gay?"

"She doesn't like you like that Scar so don't even thing about it."

"No not for me you daft idiot, for Alison, she's liked her for as long as I can remember."

"Oh, that makes more sense. Probably, she talks about Alison a lot, and I mean a lot, it gets quite annoying."

"So, she's gay?"

"Maybe. I know were twins, but I don't know every secret that Mel holds. Just let it play out and we'll see what happens."

Meanwhile with Melody and Alison

"You're a really good cook, this cake is so nice." Mel commented while eating another bite of the lemon cake Alison had made.

"I'm not that good but thanks I guess."

"Ali, you're amazing. Your talented, brave, stunning not to mention drop dead gorgeous."

"I believe that's you you're describing yourself, not me."

Mel had got of her seat at the breakfast bar and walked around to Alison. Alison was a bit taller than Mel but not that taller.

"Alison you are so talented. It's amazing on how much talent- "but before Mel could say anything else Alison had interrupted her.

"Can I do something stupid?"

"How stupid?"

"This stupid." And Alison's lips were against Mel's. There lips fit together like a puzzle piece. Mel's arm's wrapped around Alison's neck and they were lost in the love they secretly shared with each other. But they were soon interrupted by someone clearing their throat by the doorway.

"I don't ever want to see that again." Mumbled Kai as he grabbed an apple and walked back to the living room.

Alison chuckled under her breath and turned back to Mel,

"I really like you, if you couldn't tell."

"I like you too."

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