Scarlett Rose Black has been alone for most of her life in training but when she's moved to a new dorm to share with 9 other people bonds are made, lovers, breakups and deaths. Can the 10 amigos make it out alive after they start being hunted?
As we pulled up to the house, more like a mansion, Astrid, Adrian, and I had all had one glass of champagne because that's all that was in the limo, that, and water.
Then Michael spoke up,
"Astoria, you need to go over the rules with your friends."
"Right. So, tonight use my birth name, Astoria Griffin. Don't purposely talk to people unless they talk to you first. Don't flirt and try not to get killed."
"Have they all got at least one dagger on them?"
"Yes Michael, I made sure they were equipped for my old family. Can we just get this over with please?"
"Yes. Your friends need to sort out who their dates are. Antonio is here as well to escort someone and then I'll walk in with you. I don't think your father told you this but your tonight's star guest."
"No, he didn't tell me anything. But, okay. Mel and Alyson, you two go in. Zoie and Katrina, you two, Daphne and Harmony you two, Adrian and Kai and then Astrid and Antonio. Deal with what I've said otherwise Father with hit the roof."
"Everybody ready?" Antonio said.
"Yes. Now go."
One by one everybody left the limo, besides me.
"Astoria? Are you ready?" Michael asked.
"No, I'm not. But let's go and see my awful family."
He smiled, It was a cute smile.
"Let's go then, m'lady."
I smiled.
"Don't call me that."
We got out of the limo and walked up to the doors. Michael opened them and then we walked up the stairs to the ballroom. The sound of my heels colliding with the floor echoed in the deserted space then we met up with two guards.
"Michael, is this Astoria?"
"This is for her. Marcos said she has to put it on before you walk in."
It was a tiara.
"We're not royalty. I'm not butting it on. Anyway, it won't go on with the bun."
"Then you have an hour to go with the hair and makeup artist to sort it out before you have to go in."
A kind lady walked up to me and beckoned me to follow her.
"I'll see you in an hour Michael." And I followed the lady.
After what seemed like forever, my hair had been pulled back into a bun and the tiara had been placed on my head.
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The kind lady had also done my makeup, despite me saying 'I don't want any makeup on' the lady had just replied with 'Your father insisted you look the best.'
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I followed the lady back to the two guards and Michael with my heels hitting the floor echoing through the corridor.
Michael heard the echoing of the heels before he saw me and when I looked up at him, he stared at me, mouth slightly open.
"You're staring. I'm sure father won't appreciate his second in command staring at his only living daughter."
"Right, sorry. Shall we go in then?"
"If we must."
He held out his arm for me to take and they announced my arrival. The doors opened and everybody turned to me and stared.
I spotted my friends in one corner and then I whispered to Michael,
"I don't like people starring."
"Sorry, can't do anything about it unfortunately."
"I know."
We walked over to my father.
"Astoria. You look lovely. Beautiful even."
I had to put on an act because of the people around me.
"Thank you, father."
"Now, it's customary that you have a first dance with your date, in this case is Michael."
"I don't dance."
"You do now. Michael? Take her to dance."
"He lead me to the dance floor.
"I don't know how to dance."
"Just follow my lead and you'll be fine."
"I'm putting my trust that I don't embarrass myself into you right now Michael."
"I know."
And then the classical music started up and Michael lead me round the dance floor.
I could feel everybody starring at me and I started to look at the floor to make sure I didn't trip.
"Look at me." Michael said.
I slowly looked up at him and we locked eyes. Suddenly, everybody else around the room had faded away and it was just me, Michael, and the music.
"You look really pretty Scarlett."
"Thanks." I whispered.
The song slowly came to an end and I was snapped out of my trance with a round of applause filling the room.
"Your father instructed I say with you all night."
"Of course, he did. Well, I wish to see my friends first. Before I visit Father's family."
Michael led me to my friends, and they fawned over my hair and makeup and the tiara. We talked for about 5 minutes before Michael was instructed to take me to see basically everybody in the room.
"Sorry everybody, but Scarlett- sorry Astoria here has to see her father's family."
"Talk in a bit guys, don't get to drunk without me." And with that Michael had whisked me off to the other side of the room to my father's, and unfortunately my, family.