Chapter 14

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The song for this Chapter is Hard on Yourself by Charlie Puth ft. Blackbear. ENJOYY!

Alex's P.O.V

"I DON'T CARE! FUCKING FIND HER!" I had yelled, enraged that Scarlett was nowhere to be found.

Scarlett was gone. She vanished into thin air. She didn't even leave a note. To say I was furious was an understatement. With her out there, alone in the world, there's only a number of things that could possibly go wrong. But it was my fault. I pushed her away.

You're doing the right thing. You're keeping her safe by letting her go.

And though I wanted her safe, I needed her here. I felt as if I had searched everywhere and yet, she was nowhere to be found. Gone, without a trace.

Scarlett's P.O.V

I ran and I didn't look back. Maybe it was selfish to run because I wasn't getting my way. But Alex had no right leading me on like that. And even though I resented the man for abandoning me like that, I was doing exactly what my dad did.

Running away from my problems.

"Dad. Can-can I stay here? Just for a few days?" I asked, wet from the rain.

"Honey of course. Come in. Come in" my father told me as he let me into his house. It was nice and cozy. And you could tell that love resided here.

"I'm sorry to barge in like this. I know I said some things. Did some things. But I'm really sorry. I get why you ran. I mean, look at me. I'm running too," I said sniffling.

"Honey you had every right. I should've came back for you and I should have told you about my new family. Can we please start over?" my father asked. With a slow nod, he pulled me in for a hug as I cried in his arms.

It's been two months since I left. Every day I missed Alex. Every day I wished it was all a bad dream and I woke up with him next to me. But there was no turning back now.

"Morning dad. Morning Sarah. Morning Jen," I said. My dad's new wife was amazing. She cooked. Cleaned. She wasn't abusive or manipulative. And was all around a lovely person. His six year old daughter Sarah was a sweetheart.

"Morning honey," Jen replied.

"Morning!" a cheerful Sarah said as she played with her barbies. "Scarlett look! My tooth fell out!" she exclaimed.

"Oh my. You best put it under your pillow tonight so the tooth fairy can come and give you money," I said.

"How did you sleep sweetie?" my father asked.

"Fine I guess. There's something I wanted to talk to you guys about though," I said as I sat down.

"Of course honey, what is it?" Jen asked, a worried look on both my father and her's faces.

"It's been two months. And I've done nothing but wallow around here and hide out. I think it's time I go get another job and start looking for somewhere else to live. I'm truly grateful for everything you've given me, but I've intruded enough on your lives," I said.

"Honey, you know we love having you here. You don't intrude at all," my father said as he put the newspaper he was reading down.

"I know dad, but I can't live with you forever. I gotta keep moving before Alex finds me. I'll head someplace relatively close so I can still come visit, but this is something I have to do. I don't want any harm coming to you because you're keeping me here. You don't know what Alex is capable of," I replied.

"Maybe so, but I know he loves you," my father replied. "You have to see it from his point of view. He wants to protect you, and to do that he feels the need to push you away" my father added.

"He doesn't have the right to tell her what's dangerous for her though. That isn't his place. Scarlett is old enough to make her own decisions. And while I love her as a daughter, she's a big girl. If she thinks she can handle it then let her try," Jen said to my father.

"Exactly! See dad, even your wife gets it," I said.

"But-," my father started, only to be cut off by Jen.

"Honey, take what your father said into consideration and view it from Alex's point of view. But we all know that your father isn't too fond of Alex because of how quickly he threw him out of his house and how he hurt you. The best I can tell you is this. Men like Alex feel the need to push the ones they care about far away from the life they live, most likely because they're afraid to lose the few good things they have. The type of life Alex lives isn't the type any sane person would wish on anyone. But at the same time, what you feel you can handle is your decision. Don't let any man take that away from you," Jen said as she continued to make breakfast.

"Jen is right. I don't want you getting caught up in that kind of life. All that violence and blood is no good for you. Alex is protecting you, and sometimes it's best to respect someone's wishes rather than force yourself into their life when they don't want you in it. Trust me, I learned that the hard way. Honey, you're better off without him. So it's in your best interest to forget about him. It'll hurt trying to, but it'll be worth it in the end. I promise," my father said with a soft smile.

"Yeah. I guess you're right. But we strayed a bit from what I was saying. I'm moving out. I've been looking at a few places that are close by as well as some jobs. I was wondering if I could possibly change my name? I don't know if I want to change the whole thing or just my last name. What do you guys think?" I asked as I played with my fingers.

"I know a guy that can help you change your name if that's what you want to do, honey. And if moving is what you feel you must do, then I won't stop you. You're a big girl now. And I'm proud of the woman you're becoming, even though I missed out on a lot. You're always welcome here, don't forget that," my father said, sadness evident in his eyes.

"Thank you. It'll take me a while to officially move out because I need a job to get the money to pay for the place," I said with a small laugh.

"Let me pay for it," my father said.

"Dad. No. I can't let you do that. You've done so much for me already," I replied.

"Scarlett, it's the least I can do for you. I missed out on so much when it came to you growing up. I want to be there for you as you start a new life. Let me do this, Scarlett," my father pleaded.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Honey, your father is going to pay whether you want him to or not. Don't bother arguing with him," Jen said with a chuckle.

"Then it's settled. Let's see these places you were looking at," my father said as he pushed his glasses up.

As I ran to my room to get my laptop, I headed back to the kitchen and pulled up the saved apartments I had. With thoughtful deliberation from Jen, my father, and little Sarah, we finally decided on a place that was a half hour drive from them.

"Scarlett, when you move, and I'm still going to see you?" Sarah asked.

"Of course. I'll stop by as often as I can, I promise," I said as she gave me a toothy grin, pleased with my answer.

"Now all that's left to do is change my name and go job hunting. What a joy," I said as I started scrolling through the pages of jobs I found.

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