Chapter 31

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Alex's P.O.V

Cade fucking Powalski.

When I found out that this was the fucker Scar was now with, I was livid. It was one thing to lose her, but losing her to him? Absolutely ridiculous.

"Federico, do we have a location on Cade?" I asked.

"No, sir. He hasn't been found," he replied. "Is she alright?" he asked nodding over to Scarlett who was asleep on the couch in my office. I had work to do, but I wasn't letting her out of my sight. Not again.

"She'll be fine. I told her the info we had on Cade and she fainted," I replied. "Any update on the apartment situation?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. We have retrieved Ms. Scarlett's things from hers and have put them in your room. The maids are unpacking the bags as we speak. However, there is no record of anyone living in the apartment next to hers," he replied.

"Scarlett said they were neighbors, that's impossible," I said as I flipped through his file.

"I don't doubt Ms. Scarlett's words, but the apartment was empty. No one had lived there recently. There was a very thick layer of dust on the very little that was left behind," he replied.

"Interesting," I said. "And his mother? Do we have a location on her?" I asked.

"Sir, she's been dead for three years now. Are you asking for the grave sight?" he asked.

"Scar told me that his mother has been baking cookies for her and sending them over since the accident," I said.

"Someone else must have been making them because she's dead, sir. I can send a few of our men to dig up her grave and do a DNA test on the body found, just to confirm," he said.

"Yes, do that," I replied.

"Yes, sir. Is there anything else?" he asked.

"Get me a location on his father as well. He and I need to have a chat," I replied.

"Right away, sir," he said.

"You're dismissed," I said, waving him off. With a simple nod, he leaves.

If it wasn't Cade's mother, then who was it that had been making cookies for Scar?

Why was the apartment empty that Scar said he lived in?

How did he come to find out about Scar?

Is he trying to use her to get to me?

Or is there an alternative motive?

Is he-

"No! Stop! Stop!" I heard Scar yell as she began tossing and turning on the couch.

Rushing over to her, I try to shake her awake. "Baby? Baby? It's okay. Wake up. You're having a nightmare," I said.

"No! Get away from me!" she yelled as she pushed me off of her.

"Scar! Wake up!" I said, shaking her violently.

"Wh-what happened?" she asked.

"You were having a nightmare," I said as I pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you," she said as she softly cried into my shirt.

"You don't have to be sorry," I replied as I caressed her soft hair and kissed her forehead.

"Do you have any more food? I'm kind of hungry again," she said sheepishly. Before I could answer, her stomach growled. "Sorry," she mumbled, visibly embarrassed.

"It's okay," I said with a small laugh. "I can order us a pizza if you'd like?" I asked.

"Not pizza," she replied shaking her head.

"Subway then?" I asked. "I can send one of my men to go get the order," I added.

"Subway does sound nice. I'll write down what I want. Do you have a piece of paper?" she asked.

"Top draw of my desk," I replied. Getting up to follow behind her to make sure she didn't fall, I watched as she sat down in my chair and spun in it for a few seconds before looking through my drawers to find a post-it note.

"Why are there so many weapons in one little draw?" she asked as she wrote down her order.

"You never know when someone is going to try to take advantage of you," I replied. "It's best to always be prepared," I added.

"Yeah, makes sense," she said as she played with my switchblade.

"You shouldn't play with that, babe. You might hurt yourself," I said as I took it from her and placed it back into the draw.

"This chair is really comfy," she said as she spun around some more in it. "I see why you stayed in here for really long times," she added.

"I didn't stay in here for long by choice, love," I said. "C'mon, up," I said to her as I helped her get up. Sitting down and putting her on top of me, I allow her to fix herself as she snuggles into the crook of my neck.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Very," she said as I felt her relax. Pulling out my phone, I message Federico to come to my office. Hearing a knock on the door a minute later, I tell him to come in.

"You messaged, boss?" he asked. "Ms. Scarlett, it's good to see you awake. I presume you enjoyed your rest?" he asked her.

"I did, yes. Thank you for asking," Scar replied.

"Federico, I need you to go to Subway and grab two orders of this for me," I said as I handed him the post-it.

"Of course, sir. Is there anything else?" he asked.

"Yes. Has there been any progress on the assignments I gave you?" I asked.

"I'm sending a team over for the," he started, but paused to look at Scarlett, "latter of the assignments. As soon as I get back, I'll be joining them for the departure," he finished.

"Very well. When can I expect to have those results by?" I asked.

"In two days' time, sir, we will be back. We'll have Marshall run the sample here for the fastest results," he replied.

"Send one of the maids instead to get the order. I want those results back as soon as possible," I replied.

"Yes, sir," he said with a nod.

"Dismissed," I said.

"What samples do you guys need?" she asked as she turned to look up at me.

"Nothing you need to worry about right now, babe," I replied.

"Alex..." she whined.

"I'll tell you in due time. Right now I don't want you stressing about anything. Okay?" I asked.

"Okay," she said reluctantly.

When one of the maids came back with our food, we ate and then Scarlett fell asleep on me again, leaving me with my thoughts.

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