Chapter 5

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(Song for this Chapter is Mine by Bazzi. Enjoy!)

"You're mine, I can't look away, I just gotta say; I'm so fucking happy you're alive" ~ Bazzi

Scarlett's P.O.V

Waking up to the sun shining in my eyes, I feel a heavy arm over me. Hold on, what? Attempting to turn around, I wince in pain.

"Hey, hey. Don't move so much. You'll only hurt yourself more," a familiar and sleepy voice says.

Alex's voice.

"What-what am I doing here?" I ask, trying to pull away from him

"Hey, relax. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I brought you back to my house because I couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt by those people anymore," he says, moving a strand of my hair away from my face

"Why does my whole body hurt? The pain is more than usual," I say

"Well you did move a lot in your sleep and your parents beat you up pretty bad, so there is going to be a lot of pain. Until you heal though, you're not leaving. Not that I ever planned on letting you leave, but until your healed properly you're not going back to work. Understand?" he asks

"But-," I start

"But nothing," he says cutting me off. He then gets up from the bed to look out the window. Before I could say or do anything else, I feel a sharp pain in my side. Gripping the sheets, Alex rushes over to me.

"Are you ok? What's wrong?" he asks

"I can't b-breathe," I manage to get out, then everything goes dark.

Alex's P.O.V

To say I was relieved that Scar was out of that place was an understatement. I was worried though, she was in more pain than usual. Rushing to the gang's hospital, I quickly grab Veronica and explain everything to her.

"Alright, I'll do a work up on her and we can figure out what's wrong. I'll let you know when the tests come back. You can wait here or in the waiting room if you'd like," Veronica says

"Yea, I'll wait here," I say sitting down.

"Get her ready for surgery. Mary, book an O.R and tell them we'll be there in less than 10 minutes," Veronica says

"Will you be here when I come back from surgery?" she asks

"Of course, sweet cheeks. I wasn't planning on leaving you alone anytime soon. If it was up to me, I'd be performing the surgery myself, but I'm not qualified to do that so we're stuck with Veronica. But she's a good doctor, she'll take good care of you. I promise," I say

Nodding her head, I can see her relax a little bit. Soon enough, Mary and another nurse come to take her to the O.R.

"Hey, you'll be alright. I promise," I say, kissing her temple

Nodding her head once more, they roll her away and I walk back to the waiting room where I wait for her to be out of surgery.

1 hour

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

Alright! What the fuck is going on? Why haven't I gotten an update in the past 4 mother fuckin hours?

Feeling my phone vibrate, I realize I'm getting a call from Eli.

"What?" I bark

"Woah, chill. We need you to come back to the house, There's a situation," he says

"I can't. You deal with it," I snap back

"Boss, I would, but it's our rival's leader. They're demanding to speak with you right away," he says

"Well tell them that they have to wait. I'm doing something far more important than listening to their bullshit," I reply

"Fine, but whatever happens, it's on you," he says hanging up

Soon after, I see Veronica walking over to me.

"So, how did it go? Is she ok?" I ask

"Woah, calm down," she says "She's fine. She did well during the surgery. However, you might want to let her take it easy for a bit. I know you'll be getting rid of her soon anyway, but still, break it to her easy,"

"What do you mean, you know I'm going to get rid of her soon?" I ask

"Oh, c'mon Alex. You can't actually care about her. You never care about anyone. It's always just fuck and go with you. You did it with me and then left me a few days later. You can't tell me that she's going to be any different," she scoffs

"You listen to me right here and right now. She is not you. She will never be you or anyone else that I've been with. Unlike the rest of you, I care about her. What I do and who I care about is my business and my business only. So stay the fuck out of it," I say, walking away from her and into Scar's room

Taking her hand in mine, it dawns on me that Veronica was somewhat correct. I don't usually care about any girl that I meet. Usually, it is just as she said, fuck and go. But there is just something about Scar. Something about her that pulls me towards her.

She was perfect in every single way possible. And I swear if it's the last thing I do, I will never, ever, let this girl get hurt again.

And whether she knew it or not, she's MINE


Ok, so short chapter I know, but some more updates soon to follow. As always comment, share and vote!

Also, shout out to the girl who's basically like my sister, Rilee! Thanks for helping me write this chapter as well as the other ones that are soon to come. (hopefully, she makes an account soon lol)

Have a great day guys. See you soon!

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