Chapter 8

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The Song for this Chapter is: Teenager in Love by Madison Beer

You call me Queen / You're in ripped jeans / And you just pulled up to a love song / Hearts in my eyes / Strawberry skies / Beat up Corvettes smelling of cigarettes / But time keeps on slipping / You make me feel like a teenager in love / And you make me feel like I'll be forever young / And I don't want no, nobody else / I don't want no, nobody else / You make me feel like a teenager in love / So don't let me down  (You make me feel like a teenager in love) / Don't-don't let me down (You make me feel like a teenager in love)

Scarlett's P.O.V

As I woke up to the sun shining on my face, I felt a heavy arm around me. Oh my God. Last night. I couldn't get enough of him. I know, we barely know each other, but I couldn't get enough. The feeling of his lips against mine was something I could definitely get used. He was kind. Caring. And all around amazing. But I knew deep down that the kiss meant nothing to him. I knew it was only pity. He pitied me and that's why he was there. But I couldn't deny that he made me feel like a teenager in love. However, to confuse his actions last night for anything else, would be nothing but foolish. But in life, there has to be a bit of foolishness. Or else you'll live one of the most boring lives ever. So I guess basking in the foolishness, just a bit longer would suffice. He'll eventually grow tired of me. Everyone always does. So I might as well bask in this foolishness for a little while longer, before reality hits me hard. So snuggling into his warm chest, I slowly doze off again.

Alex's P.O.V

She was beautiful. Amazing. But oh my God those lips were addicting. If her lips were the last thing I kissed before I died, I'd say I died a happy man. They were so plump. So soft. So perfectly sculpted. So perfect against mine. I've done my fair share of drugs, but those lips? They were a whole different level of addicting. A different kind of high.

Studying her features, I couldn't get enough of her. Her long and perfect eyelashes. The way her hair fell perfectly around her face. Her soft snores and light breathing as her chest rose and fell. They were all things I could get used to. All things I wanted in my life. All things I needed in my life. And I may have brought her here because I care for her like I never have before, but I regret it.

This life? This isn't for her. She's in danger as long as she's with me. I've made friends along the way. But I've made 5 times more enemies as well. And I may be number one, but having a weakness, makes me vulnerable to losing that. To losing everything that my father and I have built. But was it crazy to think that maybe, just maybe losing everything, would give me everything?

If I lost all of this. Everything I've worked for and ever built. If I lost it all, but still had Scarlett, wouldn't that make it worth it. What's the point in having something if you've got no one to share it with? It's like owning a mansion, but living alone. You'll drive yourself mad. But then that also brings up another point. If someone were to make me lose everything, it's because they threatened Scarlett. It's because they hurt her. And I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I saw her get hurt under my watch. Under my protection.

She's mine. All mine. But at the same time, she isn't. I'm conflicted. But also in love. And love makes you do crazy things, doesn't it? But she won't feel the same way. No. The only reason she kissed me last night was because I was offering her support. I was the only one there for her last night. She couldn't possibly want to be involved with a guy like myself. I mean she said it in the car when she first got here. She didn't want to live with a murderer. Even if murder and torture were necessary, she didn't want any part of that. And she shouldn't have to be a part of my fucked up world. She's had enough to deal with in her life already. I should just let her go.

But then again, she's mine. All mine. And I can't let her go. I won't. I refuse to. Letting her go would be a dick move and make me look like I can't handle having other people in my life. But not letting her go, will make me weaker. Vulnerable. It'll give my enemies a way to hurt me. But she also makes me stronger. She calms me. Hearing her laugh and seeing her smile is all it takes for me to be at peace with myself. When ticked off and on my last nerve, I think of her and I'm at peace again.

I love her. There's no doubt about it. I love her so much that I don't want to let her go. But I also love her so much that maybe letting her go is the best thing for her. Maybe letting her go is the right thing to do. And in all honesty, I believed that it was. That is, until she opened her beautiful golden brown eyes and gave me another drug-like kiss.

She's mine.

All mine.

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