Chapter 39

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Scarlett's P.O.V

"Ow," I groaned as I picked my head up from the cold, wet floor and rubbed my eyes. My head and wrist were throbbing, my neck and back in a stinging pain from the position I was in.

Where the fuck am I?

How long have I been here?

As my eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room I was in, I noticed a small, barred window in the top right corner of the room I was in. The floor was damp, moss and mold littered the walls, and the room smelt of chemicals.

"Hello?" I called out lightly. "Hello!" I shouted a little louder. As I get up slowly and rush to the window, I fall to the ground as a sharp pain explodes in my right shoulder. It was then that I realized I was chained to the dirty, brick wall by my now bleeding and bruised wrists.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself.

How the hell am I getting out of here? Think, Scarlett, think.

Standing up on my wobbling legs, I squint and attempt to make out anything outside of the window in an effort to figure where I was.

Have I been here before?

It didn't seem familiar, but I knew that I needed to get out sooner rather than later if I wanted to live.

What would Alex do?

"Hello? Hello?" I called out again. "Help! Somebody help me! Help!" I yelled as I leaned as far as I could toward the window, hoping that someone would hear me.

"No one can hear you. Best you shut the fuck up and save your voice for later," a man said from behind me. "Here's your food. Eat it or don't, I don't care," he snapped as he threw the plate on the floor.

"Where am I? What do you want from me?" I asked frantically, but the mystery man did not answer. "Hey! I'm talking to you!" I yelled. Walking toward me with clenched teeth and white knuckles, I couldn't help but think of how fucked I was.

This is where I die.

"If I were you," he snapped as he roughly grabbed my chin, "I would shut the fuck up before I make it permanent." As he let go of me, he roughly grabbed my wrists and unlocked the chains that entrapped me. Quickly getting up, I swing at him, only for him to catch my fist and twist it behind my back in the most painful way possible. "Pathetic," he said with an evil chuckle as he kept twisting my arm.

"Stop! Please stop!" I cried out as I tried to get out of his grip. "Stop, please!" I begged as I kicked my legs aimlessly.

"When someone gives you something, you need to learn to be grateful," he snapped as he let me go. "You're lucky the boss doesn't want you hurt before the big day, or I'd make sure you never try something like that again," he seethed as he walked away, leaving me in a painful, teary-eyed mess.

"Alex will find you!" I yelled as he walked out the door. He didn't stop, but I saw the amusement in his face as I said that.

Alex will find me. He has to.

Crawling over to the plate of food that was left for and the half-empty water bottle alongside it, I poke at the peanut butter and jelly sandwich that lay soggy in it. As much as I didn't want to eat it, my stomach growled at the sight.

How long has it been since my last meal?

Slowly picking it up, I take a bite and swallow quickly in an attempt to not throw up.

God this is awful.

As I finish the sandwich, I pick up the water bottle and hold it up to the light that peered through the window. There didn't seem to be anything floating inside of it. Then again, it could have drugs within it and I wouldn't know. Tossing the water bottle to the floor, I notice an apple in the corner of the room in an unknown liquid.

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