Chapter 11

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Song: Unbelievable by Owl City

It's unbelievable / Don't know what's gonna happen next / It's unbelievable

Scar's P.O.V

"My-my father is alive?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes," Alex says. It was inconceivable. I saw my father in the hospital. I saw when he flatlined. Alex must have been wrong. That's the only way he could have this information. I may have been little, but I saw him die. All I could do was laugh.

"My-my father is alive?" I ask laughing. "Oh my God, Alex. C'mon. I knew you had a sense of humor but saying my father is alive? That's hilarious," I say.

"Scar. I know that hearing this may seem unusual. But I'm not lying. Your father is, indeed, alive," Alex says.

"Alex, if he was alive, why in the hell hasn't he reached out? If he loved me so much to stay with his cheating wife, why wouldn't he make his presence known to me? It just doesn't make any sense, Alex," I reply.

"I know you have a lot of questions. I would too if I were in your shoes. But it does beg the question, why did your mother do what she did? And why is your father hiding from you?" Alex says.

"Well, I was hoping you could tell me. You are the one with the information here," I reply.

"Valid point, but I don't have all the answers. I have men looking into it as we speak. But I need to ask, if it were to come up, would you want to meet your father? Or at least, see him again. I think you'd get more of the answers you want from him than you could ever get from me," Alex says.

"I'd have to think about it, Alex. If he is alive, does that mean he just forgot about me? He never wrote. Emailed. Called. He never tried to get in touch with me. To see me again. If he loved me so much to stay with my cheating mother as you said, wouldn't he want to be a part of my life as I grew older? Wouldn't he want me to know he's alive? That he's okay? Wouldn't he want me to know the truth? Alex, I have so many questions that I know you can't answer, by quite frankly, I'm not even sure he'd be willing to answer my questions. For years, I thought he was dead. That means he's had years to reach out. To give me some sort of sign. And what did he do? Nothing. He forgot about me, Alex. So I'd have to think about it," I reply.

"Hey, hey. No need to get worked up. I'm just asking a question because I want to know where you want to go from here. You don't have to let me know now. I want you to take your time with this and fully process everything. Just breathe, okay?" Alex says as he pulls me into a much-needed hug.

"It's just a lot to take into consideration," I say as I lay against Alex and play with his fingers.

"I know, baby, I know. How about we get something to eat, take your mind off this for a bit, and we can discuss it more later if you want," Alex says, planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Okay," I say quietly as I continue to play with his fingers.

"What do you feel like eating, love?" he asked as he held me tight.

"Can we get chipotle?" I ask.

"Of course. I'll send one of the guys to go get it because I like holding you and don;t want to let go. You want your usual?" he asks.

"Yes, please," I reply.

Grabbing his phone, he calls one of his men to go get our food. "Vincezo, I'm going to text you an order, go and get it," Alex says. As I heard a faint 'yes, boss' Alex hung up the phone and returned his attention to me.

"Do you want to watch something in the meantime?" he asked. Shaking my head no, I continued to play with his fingers.

"Are my fingers really that interesting?" he asks with a chuckle.

"No. They just fit perfectly with mine," I say.

"Which is ironic considering my hand is much bigger than yours. Two of your fingers make up my thumb," he replied with a chuckle as he held our hands against each other.

"You just have abnormally large hands," I reply.

"I do not. You're just abnormally tiny but that's okay because I find it really cute," he says, booping my nose.

"Did you just boop my nose?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes. Yes, I did. Boop," he says, booping it again.

"Wacko," I reply, shaking my head.

"Hey! Who you calling wacko?" he asks, turning me around to face him.

"Um, you. Duh," I replied.

"Oh you are so gonna get it," he says, pulling by my legs so that I'm on my back. Hovering over me, he begins to tickle the life out of me.

"Oh, my g-god! M-m-mercy!" I yell out in uncontrollable laughter.

"Never!" he yells back, tickling me harder.

"I-I-I'll do any-anything!" I yell out, barely able to breathe.

"Anything?" he asks.

"Yes," I say, trying to catch my breath.

"Hmm, surprise me," he said, sitting back and running his hand through his hair. Grabbing his neck collar, I pull him close to me and connect his lips with mine.

"How's that for a surprise?" I ask as I pull away.

"Hmm, I think I need a repeat," he says, connecting our lips together again. There was nothing in this world that would ever make me feel like Alex does when he kisses me. You know, there's a moment between a glance and a kiss. Where the world stops for the briefest of seconds, and the only thing between us is the anticipation of his lips on mine. A moment so intense, it hangs in the air, as it pulls us closer together. A moment so perfect, that when it comes to end, we realize that that was only the beginning.

I knew it from the first time we kissed. This was it. He was it. With that one kiss, I was totally hooked. Completely addicted. I'd go to hell and back if I could go there with him. But it was here and now, with his lips on mine as we had the whole world to ourselves, that I realized, I really and truly loved him.


Hey guys! I hope you're enjoying it so far. I am warning you from now that there is going to be a bit of a time skip in a few chapters, so look out for that!

As always, stay amazing and I love you all!

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