Chapter 15

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So as many of you have noticed, I've changed the titles from being songs to just regular 'Chapter X' mainly because I feel like I can't find the perfect song for the chapters I write so that holds me up from updating more frequently. Anywayssss, enjoy my loves!

Scarlett's P.O.V

"Okay, I think that that's the last of it. Can you run down to check the truck one more time to make sure we got everything and I'll start building your bed?" my father asked.

"Yeah, sure. Sarah, do you wanna come with?" I asked.

"Yes!" an excited Sarah replied as she ran ahead of me to the elevator. "Scarlett you're so high up now. When I looked out the window, It was like I was flying!" she exclaimed.

"Are you secretly a superhero that can fly?" I asked her in a low whisper.

"Shh, don't tell anyone my secret and I'll let you meet Superman," she said with a toothy grin.

"You know Superman?" I asked.

"Shh, don't let anyone know," she said as we entered the elevator.

"My lips are sealed," I said as I zipped my lips shut. As the elevator doors shut, we stopped on the 8th floor to let an old woman on who got off at floor five. Just as the doors were about to close, someone yelled.

"Hold it!" the voice said, prompting me to violently press the open doors button. I wasn't risking my hand getting chopped off because the elevator didn't sense it.

"Thank you so much," a young man said, who couldn't  be more than 23.

"You're welcome," I said with a smile as I felt sarah tugging at my shirt, bending down to her level, she whispers in my ear, "He's really cute," she said with a giggle.

"You're very cute too, little one," the young man said.

"Thank you, mister," Sarah replied with a smile.

"The name's Cade. I haven't seen you ladies around here before. You just moved in?" Cade asked.

"Sc-Allison. My name's Allison. And I'm still in the process of doing so actually," I replied, nearly forgetting I had to take over a new name.

"Well, if you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," he said with a smile as we exited the elevator.

"I definitely will, thank you," I said, returning his smile. "Cmon Sarah, we need to check the truck," I said as she took my hand.

As we got to the truck, Sarah checked the seats while I checked the tray of the truck. Grabbing the bag that was left behind, I hear Sarah call out. "There's a box that's stuck underneath the seat!" she exclaimed.

"Let me get it. I don't want you to hurt yourself," I said as she backed up a few steps.

"Do you need help? It looks really heavy," Sarah said.

"I might have to get dad to come help us. Because not only is it heavy it's also stuck in there pretty good," I said, stepping back to take a break.

"I know who can help!" Sarah exclaimed. Before I could say anything, she started yelling, "Mister Cade! Mister Cade! Can you come help me and my sister please?" she called out to Cade as he was passing by.

"Sure thing, what is it you two need help with?" he asked as he walked towards us.

"There's this box that's wedged underneath the seat and I can't get it out. Sarah and I can go get our dad, we don't want to bother you," I said.

"Don't worry about it. I'd be happy to help," he said as he started tugging on the box to get it out.

He's got a great ass.

Now is not the time. Focus.

On the ass. Focus on the ass.

"Got it," he said with a huff as he pulled the box out, snapping me back to reality.

"Thank you so much. I can carry it up, I wouldn't want to bother you further," I said, attempting to take the box.

"Nonsense. I'm a gentleman. I'll help carry this box up since it is quite heavy. Unless you have explosives in here then you can take the box. I'm not looking to lose an arm right now," he said with a chuckle.

"No. No. No explosives. I promise," I said quickly.

"Well let's be on our way then. Wouldn't want to keep your folks waiting," he said as we headed back toward the elevator. On the ride up to my apartment, I couldn't help but steal a few quick glances at Cade.

Tall. Muscular. Amazing jawline. We already know about that ass. Kind blue eyes. Semi curly blond hair that looked soft as ever.

As we made our way to my apartment, I saw Cade smile.

"You okay?" I asked, a little confused.

"Yes. I've just realized we're neighbors," he said with a grin.

"Oh! Really! Well it's good to know that I have a familiar face I can run to if someone tries to kill me," I said, half jokingly.

"I doubt anyone would try to kill you," he replied with a chuckle. Oh, if only you knew.

"Hey, I see you've finally- Oh! Well honey, who's this kind man that decided to help you out?" my father asked.

"This is Cade. We met on the elevator and it turns out he's my neighbor. Sarah called him over to help since this box was stuck underneath the seat," I replied.

"Cade, nice to meet you. I'm Richard, Allison and Sarah's father," my dad said.

"And I'm Jen, Sarah's mom," Jen added. "Honey we got your desk set up and your bed is almost done. I was wondering if you wanted me and Sarah to help you decorate or if you wanted to do that on your own?" Jen asked

"If you guys aren't busy you can stay to help. I wouldn't want to inconvenience you or impose on any prior plans you had," I replied.

"Nonsense, honey. We'd love to stay and help. Your father just needs to set up some other furniture for you and then we can get to decorating. How about we order pizza?" Jen asked with a smile.

"Yeah! Yeah! I want pizza! I want pizza!" Sarah sang as Jen got on the phone to order.

"Well, I'll be in my apartment if you need anything," Cade said with a small wave.

"Wait!" I called out after him.

"Yes?" he asked as he turned on his heels.

"Stay," I replied.

"Stay?" he asked.

"Yeah. I wanna help set up the billion and one things that have to get set up and I was wondering if you were free, maybe you'd like to help," I said. When he was silent, I quickly added, "You know what, don't bother. You probably have plans anyway. I'm sorry I-" I started.

"Relax. I'd love to stay to get to know my new neighbor a little better. But I wouldn't want to inconvenience you or impose on any prior plans you had," he said, repeating what I said earlier which caused me to giggle.

I never giggle. What the fuck is happening to me?

"I have no plans, I promise. And you get free pizza. I'd call that a win," I said.

"That is a win indeed," he said as we walked back in and closed the door behind us.

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