Part 47: The Magic Tower #4

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Ellios........had never been this impolite before. 

He would never even say this straight up to the old Roselyn's face.

So what caused him to say what he did just now? And to me?

"Ellios, what could you possibly mean?" 

I could show no weakness, especially what happened today. Especially now and in front of him. 

Deflect any accusations. Don't fall into their trap to destroy me. 

Wasn't this always the way I lived? 

He looked away at my stare, in which I myself didn't know what it looked like. 

What was my current expression? If only I had a mirror to look at it. 

"You keep your guard around, uh........everybody, I guess? Its like—" 

"Ellios. Whatever could you mean?

I never thought I would have to come down to this tactic, but it was time to threaten. 

I'm sure I gave enough warning in my tone because he bowed his head in shame knowing his mistake and walked off. 


A villainess had no right to call for help. 

That was the thought that had always lived unconsciously deep inside my mind. 

Plus, she herself could lead to her own ruin without anybody pushing her to. 

So wouldn't it make sense for me to save myself as well? 

Plus, I wasn't that alone. 

I still had power, wealth, and a system of people behind me. 

But in the end, those didn't help former Roselyn until the end, didn't it?

Ivy had all those capture targets and people who worshipped her holiness with her, so she was never really alone. 

Barely anything was done with her very own strength.

Oh, minus the part on which she seduced them. That was definitely done by herself and herself only. 

But the question at hand was..........could I really ask for help? 

Maybe if I thought of this earlier help would definitely be within a hands reach. 

But now that Ivy had taken possession of all the capture targets, especially Onii-sama................

There was nobody to come to support me. Not a single one. 

It was simply, simply too late for it.

They were all taken away but Ivy at this point. 

The storyline, which I thought I had messed up, was snapping back in place to return to the original plot. 

If Ivy could have help, then why couldn't I?

Because I was a villainess, because I was a villainess. 

It was obvious, the answer. It came outright to my head. 

Since........when did I determine that I was supposed to be the villainess? 

Wasn't the whole point trying to survive, so why did I set myself as a villainess in the first place? 

Well, obviously I had to follow destiny. 

The current plot from the otome game was difficult but not impossible to change, so why bother trying to follow the way it was supposed to go?

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