Part 32: The spy

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Tasha looked surprised at my question. 

'What a great act you put on. No wonder Ivy scouted you.'

Tasha looked down with a grim look. 

"Well, you see........One of your maids is imprisoned. She had put a drug in something you consumed. She's going on trial for attempting to kill a noble."

I was overall surprised. 

There was another spy that I was unaware of? Of just a maid that grew to be jealous of me? 

"Which maid was it?" I asked. 

"Um......I think it was Melissa, M'lady." Tessa said after thinking for a bit. 

Melissa? No, that was simply impossible! It couldn't be!!!

"What?! She was definitely falsely accused! As far as I'm concerned, she's the last one to betray me!!!" I yelled in a unladylike way. 

I reminded myself that this maid standing right in front of me was a spy from Ivy. 

I took a big breath and calmed myself. My facet returned to it's normal stance. 

Weakness was not an option! Especially in front of a person who could bring me death with a single testimony!

"M'lady.........I see that you haven't been informed. Melissa, your maid, told them herself. Please don't take my words seriously, but.....I don't see how she could be falsely accused when she turned herself in." Tasha looked sternly at me. 

That wasn't a lie. Tasha didn't tell a single lie since she started talking. 

I had put a lie detector spell when she wasn't paying attention. 

Plus, all maids were commoners, while all commoners had almost no magic and could barely even levitate a single grain of rice. 

All the nobles had magic, and even the nobles with smaller amounts of magic could at least levitate a toddler. 

Even if her family were fallen nobles, I don't think she would work for a mere baron.

But Ivy's family, despite being the status of a baron's, was slowly getting more power and wealth. 

And now with Ivy's new success, she has more power to destroy me. 

And even worse, she becomes a saintess of some sort.

 It's possible, since I recall a commoner becoming the saintess because she had the blessing of a magical creature and abnormally high magic levels. 

Now that'll be imperial faction against religion faction.

They usually avoided each other, but if the saintess, one of their principal pillars of worship, is being bullied by imperial faction, then they'll take action.

And my father was literally the pinnacle of the imperial faction. 

The royal faction was in charge of the imperial and religious and took neither sides.

 They were their own faction, and most people decided to follow them in a way, especially some nobles. 

If Ivy became saintess, she could be a candidate for Crown Princess. 

One of the reasons Albert could take Ivy as Queen is that Ivy was secretly considered a saintess by all the commoners and half of the nobles. 

The opposing other half of the nobles were against it, but they couldn't really do anything. 

Wait, why was I concerned whether she stood beside Albert or not?

Ah, it was because she would order my execution, right? Right?

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