Part 38 :Appointment???

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"Did you forget about our appointment today?"

I was brought to a stop in the hallway on the route to the lab by the presence of Nurse Oakley. 

"Y-yes?" My mouth, already paralysed from chatting with the Principal, forced out. 

Nurse Oaklock did a mature sigh then looked at me with pity. 

"You really forgot our meeting today? Roselyn, please don't tell me you did." 

Her sad but stern stare pierced through me, and intimidated me to the bone. 

"Of course I didn't! I was actually going to come to the Nurse's Office!" 

I managed to squawk out.

Truth is, I didn't even know that I had a scheduled meeting today. 

Embarrassed, I started to follow the Nurse with my head down. 

I suddenly remembered that this woman right in front of me was the childhood friend of the Principal. 

 Before I perceived her as a rather clumsy lady who played Nurse, but now I saw her in a completely different way. 

This woman in front of me had grown up with the Principal, and even got along well enough to still be familiar with the Principal. 

In this world, having a true friend was difficult. 

Not for Ivy, of course, but all the people Roselyn were close with were just for Roselyn to use as she pleased. 

Even her own parents, for their money and status they gave her. 

But it wasn't so unusual, for the lower ones to pair and hide behind the ones on top. And Roselyn used that system very well.

And even rarer, Nurse Oaklock and the Principal were of different genders, and had managed to stay companions for so long. 

Sure, this would be alright if they were still toddlers of some sort, but usually people didn't risk scandals and drifted apart once they were old enough to understand this concept. 

Besides, it looks like the Principal hasn't even confessed to Oaklock! I wonder if he really is too shy to admit it. 

But anyways, that's not my concern. 

My one and only job was to bring them together. 

Having someone who could monitor the whole academy was desperately needed, no doubt it. 

Nurse Oaklock whipped out a key as we stopped in front of her office, and I finally managed to ask. 

"So...uh, would you mind explaining to me what's going to happen? Or like, what the appointment's for again?" 

Sheepishly, I spoke. 

I felt uneasy and awkward because I had never missed something so important like this before. 

Even I'm aware that someone as perfect as me shouldn't exist. 

But to conquer my supposed destiny, I had to prove that I was valuable to society to survive. 

It was almost like a backup, in case I ended up in the worst situation imaginable. It would, in the very least, keep my head attached to my shoulders.

 Oaklock hushed me to a medical chair, and I sat down on it. 

"What did James discuss with you?" She said the moment I was perched on the seat. 

James? Who was James?

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