Part 59: Finding someone trustworthy

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However, I couldn't do this without any proof. 

Stuck in this cage-like dorm room, I couldn't even make contact with the outside world without some effort. 

This issue nagged me to no end, and it was clear that only one option remained to this problem. 

Someone else had to help me with outside contact, lest I avoid any suspicion on the poison attempt. 

My head rung to the conversation I had with Seria once I came back the the Academy, but I shook my head. 

She was indeed intelligent and capable, but I didn't want to trouble someone who had grown up in a pure world to bother with this. 

That would be unfair of me, and I would be a very bad friend to her if I chose to burden her. 

I doubt she'd know how to accomplish such tasks, either. 


To investigate this matter and prove it was the Temple, we would obviously need to find real documents on this drug exchange. 

There wasn't any possibility that the Temple received it out of thin air, just like that. 

Of course, making it themselves was also an option, but they would need ingredients for it, no?

I was no herbalist, but they couldn't have used safe ingredients to make such a terrifying drug.

It wasn't possible in this world, because it had its own science. 

Surely they would have at least bought many poisonous and illegal plants to make something this gruesome. 

I hated that I couldn't do anything, hated that if I were to choose someone to help me, it would be a gamble of trust. 

Ellios was out of the question; he had already helped unknowingly. 

Without him and our connection, my relationship with the Magic Tower wouldn't have been like this and I wouldn't have sent the letter the same way. 

I doubt he knew that he had helped me dramatically, but I was grateful for him. 

But what I needed here was capability in this kind of business, not knowledge on a different topic or anything else. 

I thought of Albert, who was the Crown Prince. 

He must have been educated on this matter, but then again, he was a male lead. 

Truth is, despite him being my fiance and not doing anything out of line yet, I still couldn't bring myself to trust him. 

Who knows how far he'll go for the sake of Ivy, and I didn't know much about him so I couldn't predict his actions. 

I was going to play this safe, and hand the burden to someone who could manage their selves in the name of justice. 

The only person who fit this certain criteria was, to my shame, Onii-sama. 

He had many skills and was knowledgeable in many different topics, and I was sure that he wouldn't destroy any evidence so that Ivy could flourish. 

He knew what was more important than other things, and would not cover for people he cherished if they truly deserved punishment. 

His own values would not be meddled with love, and I knew that clearly. 

After all, I've lived with him my whole life. How could I not deduct such a simple fact about him?

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