Part 2: First day of school

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All of the students were required to go to the gym. There, the principle would give a speech, and then the teachers introduced themselves one by one.

The original Roselyn was a genius, thus she was a honor student, and was part of the welcoming committee, even though she was a first year.

" I will do my best to support those who need help with my knowledge.............."

After I gave my speech, I went back to my seat. Some boys were ogling my face and thought I didn't notice. In the otome game, Roselyn had her own 'gang' made out of girls who sucked up to the people with higher status and boys who thought they could get a chance to court her. However, as soon as Roselyn lost power, they immediately turned their backs.

'Hmph!' I thought. What a bunch of suckers. However, I needed some friends with high status. The heroine was actually a  baron's illegitimate daughter, with a maid as her mother. But because of her kind nature, she soon had a bunch of friends who were much higher in terms of status than her. These friends would always protect the heroine whenever Roselyn's underlings would do something to the heroine. However, when it was directly done by Roselyn, they couldn't do much. After all, she was the sole duke's daughter. 

'Alright! I will make some friends!'

There were, in fact, a lot of girls trying to be her friend. However, Roselyn needed the ones with powerful families. 

'First, let's try the Marquess's daughter.' She was the second most powerful girl in this school after Roselyn. She eventually became the heroine's best friend, and supported her in everyway she could. 

                                                                'Ok. Here we go.'

Drop. "Kyahhhhhhhh! Oh my goodness! How could I have dropped my stuff?"

The Marquess's daughter, Seria Benter, had a weakness. She always liked to help others, and always tried to comfort people who thought little of themselves. 

Seria immediately ran to me. "Oh my goodness! Are you alright? It's not your fault that you dropped it."

I shedded fake tears. "But how could I? I'm supposed to be role model to help others. And yet here I am, dropping my stuff. *Sniff*. I- I'm so shameful!"                                                                             Ehehe. Comfort me more, Seria. Soon, you'll be playing under my hand like a puppet.

"N-no! Of course not! You are truly amazing as yourself! Some people are just more clumsy than others!" She kept on trying to make me feel better. Everyone was staring at us. Most of them had regret in their eyes that they didn't help me and become friends with me.

After picking up my stuff, she told me, "I'll walk with you to class, o-ok? We're both first years, aren't we?" Plan success. I got a new friend.

We introduced ourselves in period one. The heroine wasn't here. In fact, she wasn't supposed to be here yet. The baroness gave her a broken wagon to go to school, thus she arrived at 3rd period. 

"We'll start with the flow of mana. All of us absorb mana, store it in our bodies, and use it. However, all people have different flows of mana. Some absorb faster than others, some absorb slower than others. Everybody has a certain flow. The more you absorb, the more you can use. But that doesn't mean you can control it well. So, I am in charge of teaching you how to control and use your mana." The teacher said. " Of course, if your mana flow is a very small amount, you can always use a mana amplifier. However, these are very dangerous, because they force mana into you, and can cause external injuries, and sometimes death. Thus, we will not be using them."

There was a campaign sometime in the game that was trying to ban magic amplifiers led by the heroine. Roselyn thought this was a good chance to defeat the heroine, but lost anyways.

3rd period came. This is where the heroine meets the 1st prince Albert. The heroine had a strange mana flow. It would absorb a lot, then absorb less. It didn't have a repeating smooth flow. This was why Albert got interested into her. Albert has a very high aptitude of mana, and so he could detect other people's flows is he tried. Because nobody wanted to show the heroine around, the teacher did a random pick from a box, with all the students names inside. Albert located his and made sure the teacher picked it, so he could investigate the heroine more. Roselyn was too focused on making sure that hers wasn't picked that she didn't realise her fiancee had done his own trick.

Here it was.

At this moment, when everybody had already seated down, walked a girl. Her features looked gentle, with fluttering eyelashes. She walked quietly in, but every inch of her was refined. She was very cute, with that baby face and small body. She was what you called a lolicon.

 "H-hello! I am sorry for being late. E-erm..............I hope everybody gets along with me! I am very glad to see you all!"

What. That speech was so clumsy and she stumbled on almost every word. Even the words picked were horrible and a commoner could do better. But, oh well. This is what all the capture targets were into, and what the villainess was jealous of.

                         "What is your name, young lady?" The teacher asked.

                     " U-um...Oh right! I am Ivy Castria! Pleased to meet you all!"

This was the heroine. I wonder what she would be like. Welp. Nice to meet you too.

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