Part 13: Finishing first semester

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"Alright! Done!" I slapped me and Aaron's history project on our table.

"I will review it." Aaron picked it up and looked through it. 

"Hehe. You just want to look at the art, don't you?" I pointed out.

Aaron didn't respond, but his face slightly turned red. He continued to look at the magical creatures I drew. 

We were the first people in class to finish. We finished in 4 days. Of course, it was expected. I was #1 in History, and he was #2. 

Aaron Tumbler. He had grass green hair, and violet eyes. He was beautiful. As of expected of a capture target. He was known to be quiet, but not in the way Ellios was. He wasn't shy; He just didn't find a need to talk to others. What a lone wolf. His father was the #1 politician in the empire, and Aaron learned the law and debates from a young age. But his true interest was history. His father was strict, and believed that Aaron would be a politician like him. But Aaron wanted to be a historian. His father would never agree to it.

This was how the heroine captured his heart in the otome game. The heroine believed that one should follow their heart, and her free spirit made Aaron a bit jealous. He got interested in her, but soon fell in love with Ivy. 

Aaron's was not the most popular route. Nether was Philip's, or Ellios. My Onii-sama's was one of the most popular, but the #1 was definitely Albert's. Who wouldn't like his nice personality, as well as his prince-y looks? The fact that he had golden hair and always wore something elegant made me compare him to sun. Everyone did, in fact, but I did it in a mocking way.                                                                   Oh! Our great sun! How beautiful you are!

"Why don't you and Aaron go to the library? You can read some books for history class due to your group being first to finish." Onii-sama said. He was back from doing papers to ruin the Kaid family. 

"And Aaron, you know your limits, don't you? " He smiled at him. It was certainly not a glittery smile like his usual one. 

"Yes, sir!" Aaron nodded, but you could tell he was scared after knowing how my Onii-sama ruined the Kaid family. 

Onii-sama, how overprotective you are! But don't worry, Aaron only regards me as a friend!, I wanted to say, but couldn't.

We went to the library. I did a mana scan to see if anyone else was here. Nope. Only the librarian, Mrs. Cutliff. Then I sensed a golden mana somewhere. Must've been the Crown Prince. 

I left Aaron for a while, and followed the golden mana. How could there be so much? Every time you read a book, there would be a trace of mana that leaked out of you, but not this much. It was too little to be a person. When I arrived there, I found the section of ancient language. The golden mana was all plastered over these books, meaning Albert had read all of them. I checked if there was a spell, but it proved to not have one. Then that would only mean one thing: 

                               Just how mana did the prince have to leak this much?!

What a monster, that prince. He had even more than me. Was this because he had royal blood? Or did he have the blessing of a magical creature? But this phenomenon was extremely rare and only 0.03% of the population had one. I'll have to find out when I see him again. 

Ivy had the blessing of a magical creature. If I remembered right, it was a light bunny. This helped her defeat the villainess when Roselyn attacked. Roselyn had gained the blessing of a dark dwarf, and tried to use her newly gained power on Ivy. But luckily, that light bunny helped Ivy. 

Albert was a royal. Not much was known about them, so I had to do my own investigation. It was said that the founder of this country, Zarriat Royalty, had the blessing of the spirit king.

"Roselyn, are you there?" Aaron called from behind the shelf. 

"Coming!" Then I rushed off. 

Last day of first semester

Day XX Month XX Year XXXX

The first semester had passed quite quickly. A lot of things had happened since then, but I stood my ground. Not much interaction with Ivy, though. The original Roselyn should've have bullied Ivy at least 20 time now. But I wasn't that Roselyn, was I?

The ceremony involved a big feast and showing off what we could do to the other parents. Since I was the #1 of everything I participated in, I was a hot topic. A lot of parents came over to me, probably admiring me and wanting their children to be like me. 

My parents had some business, so they would come late. I stayed with Onii-sama for a bit as he chatted with the parent's of his students. 

I visited Ellios for a drink with him, and we talked about magic spells we wanted to try next semester. 

Aaron talked to me for some while, and he told me of our grade for the project. Apparently, we got and A+ for scoring 98.3. His father looked proudly at him, probably for the project and befriending me. 

Philip visited me and introduced me to his father as the one who he has never won against. His father also acted like an airhead. Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

The queen came to me with Albert. Apparently she was one of my fans, and was so glad that I was her soon-to-be daughter-in-law. 

"How amazing to have a woman of her caliber in the royal family! Soon I'll be calling her my daughter!!!" She fantasized.

                                                "You mean my daughter?"
I looked behind. 

"Mother! You arrived!" I smiled. 

The queen and my mother were both daughters of a marquis, so they were best friends in the old days. One married a duke, another married the king.

In the game, the queen doted on Ivy, but looks like this wasn't the case anymore. 

As the 2 woman chatted, I sneaked away. I went to the balcony to look at the sunset.

"Are you sick of this party as well?" A voice said behind me. 

"Your majesty! Excuse me for my improper behavior!"

 I quickly bowed to Albert. It was unsightly for a duke's daughter to ditch the party and go outside. But I hated how crowded it was, so I decided to hang out on the balcony.

"It's alright. I come here too. Too much people in the party." He smiled at me while talking to me casually.

" I ..............see. It must've been hard on your majesty." I left him on the balcony.

My parents and Onii-sama waved to me. 

"Shall we take our leave?" Onii-sama asked. 


                                                    It was officially summer break. 

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