Part 62: A visit

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I patiently waited a few days for the news of my innocence to pass around, so that everybody would be aware.

The trial was currently off my mind, because it would not be until at least two weeks later until the time arrived. 

I was preparing things here and there for it, including having Onii-sama's permission to talk in the trial. 

Although the fact that he was my brother was a disadvantage, he was still the next heir to the dukedom. 

Our conversations were more formal than what they were before, but I felt slightly happy that I could at least talk with him. 

I got embarrassed at the thought of this, and quickly blew the thought out. 

Most of the times, I never knew what Onii-sama was ever thinking. 

Even when faced with a dire situation, he was calm and probably put a smile to ease everybody else's worries. 

Sometimes, as a child, I would stare at him with a deep gaze, as if I were trying to read through his expressions. 

I did use the fact that I was only a young child to cover up any awkwardness of this action, but he simply gave a warm smile back. 

Although it's exactly what he kept doing before Ivy came in the picture, the closeness we had before could not be compared to what our string-thin relationship as it was now. 

I sighed while understanding this completely, but there was nothing to change nor regret. 

I stepped off the carriage, and looked up at the huge hospital. 

Since being born in this world, I had never really been to one because there was absolutely no reason to. 

Although I couldn't remember much about my birth, I'm certain that I was was born in our manor. 

I didn't bother to remember all those times, because I spent my childhood as Roselyn freely and without a care in the world. 

At that time, there was no basis to rush anything because my life wasn't in a dire state. 

I figured it was only until Ivy came that things would start changing. 

Plus, as a child, what could I do to change my fate?

But playing time was over, enjoying being an immature child was over. 

From now on, I would have to ensure that I keep this dear life of mine. 

I walked in the lobby, and appreciated the clean but formal aura it had. 

Within a few glances, I pinpointed a woman sitting behind a register and walked up to her. 

She was busy jotting something down, but heard my footsteps. 

Setting down the pen, she asked, "Welcome! What can I do for you? Are you here to see a patient? Or do you have an appointment?" 

The sudden burst of vivacity from her made me stop thinking for a second out of surprise. 

"I'm here to visit Ivy Castria," I smiled back after regaining my footing. 

She nodded once, but then started looking at me from head to toe. 

Her eyes widened, and I knew that she had confirmed my identity. 

Even I had to admit I was a famous topic of this country, despite most people not even seen me in their lives. 

But I was famous for having golden hair with natural loops at the tip and crimson red eyes, so anybody would figure me out when they saw me. 

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