Part 63: The Prince's arrival

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My eyes glanced over, and I forced my body to be calm.

Although my mind was in a jumble and running over several questions, concerns and possible scenarios, I did not forget the most basic step. 

Even if Ivy was calling him a very intimate name, I would not even if he was my fiance. 

We had both acknowledged the fact that this was an arranged engagement, and there were benefits for us both. 

Our paper-official engagement had been one of my statuses for so long that I can't even remember when it happened, maybe right after or even before my birth. 

I felt like stomping me feet in front of the fact that Albert was here for Ivy, because he truly was free and did as he pleased despite knowing full-on that I was here. 

And I had been holding back in front of him for some face!

Our circumstances were different, yes, but he could at least try to not openly show his relationship with his lover over his fiance?

At least keep it under covers until Ivy was lifted up to a higher status.......

But here he was, visiting Ivy in hospital with no hint of disguise and full display of a prince. 

My mind flashed to the counter lady, and maybe anybody he must have passed while walking here. 

I glanced out the window for a moment, seeing the golden carriage imprinted with the royal family symbol flaunting it's brilliance.

And it was a very well-known fact that Ivy was recuperating here, in this specific hospital that served nobles and other wealthy folks. 

Anybody who saw this sight would have known that Albert was here to see Ivy, it made me want to scream. 

Why did I have to be here, out of all times?!

This scene was too uncomfortable as an irritation to walk out and close the door on their affair grew within me. 

Please, whatever they did, just count me out! 

I don't want to be the thrown away fiance that was forced to witness this!

First things first, especially when encountering the Crown Prince like this. 

"Greetings to your Highness," I forced out in a well-mannered tone like anyone would have done when talking to him. 

Although he's insisted many time for me to call him 'fiance', it sounded too alien on my tongue so I went with a more common and formal greeting. 

And he hid any emotions or hints on his intentions very well, possibly even better than me. 

The unease I felt whenever I came across him also stopped me from familiarising with him. 

I couldn't figure him out no matter how much I tried, so I gave up and decided to keep my distance. 

He makes me want to run from his gaze, even to this day. 

But the fact that he arrived specifically during my visit, it didn't feel.....coincidental anymore. 

But he was the crown prince and probably had connections far and wide, it wouldn't be strange for him to keep tabs on all the nobles. 

Even if he was still young and a king-in-training, securing your position within society was a must. 

I almost caught myself pitying him, because maybe the reason he was like this was his environment and the expectations put on him while he was growing up. 

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