Part 35: At the lab

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The next day, I simply waited. 

In class, I listened to the teachings, but my real goal was just passing time. 

At lunch, I laughed with my friends, but I glanced at the clock every so often. 

Finally, after school finished, and the students hopped out of their seats to spend the rest of their evening doing something else, I left immediately for the lab. 

Usually, I would spend this time finishing homework in my room, or hanging out in the library or garden. 
I would sometimes even have a tea party with my friends. 

Dismissing those daily habits, I headed towards my dorm right away. 

Pulling the drawer, I took out the tucked away vial of purple liquid. 

I looked at both sides to see if anybody, especially a maid, saw me and the hidden drawer, but nobody was there. 

I signed in relief, and left to the lab. 

I set the vial on vial holder, and started to rummage through the shelves of ingredients. 

In this world, all potions needed a certain 'base' ingredient. 

There were 12 common starter ingredients, and you could tell what the potion was used for immediately after confirming the base ingredient. 

Of course, there were hundreds of different types of potions, but pretty much everyone of those had a section where it belonged to, and the other potions in that very section were pretty similar. 

There were potions that were outside the circle, certainly, but I can assume that the potion in my hand was part of the common circle. 

We only were allowed 7 different types of base ingredients and tools to test them due to some being too dangerous, but luckily, I asked my parents to send me some from home. 

But that only made 11, with the 12th being poison base. 

My parents even gave me an explosive base (which was the 7th base ingredient) concluding that I would be careful enough to not make any reactions out of it, but they definitely didn't allow poison. 

The annoying thing about trying to deduce the base ingredient was that they all had their own way of revealing itself, so it took me at least an hour to finish the preparing stage. 

I plopped a different type of revealer in each mini container following the manual found in the lab, and set the vial tray in the corner so nobody would touch it. 

It said that it would at least take 30 minutes for all of them to react, so I decided to not to lounge in the lab anymore and headed for the library. 

Might as well start studying the types of potions and memorising them so I don't need to look at the potion book each time. 


It took me a while to arrive at the library. 

I greeted the librarian with a simple wave, and headed over to the potion segment of the library.  

The book was quite a tough find.

It was hidden at the back between two thick books, so squeezed and looking like it had suffocated in there forever. 

I tugged, and it came out as if it had been finally freed. 

'Is this place not organised well? But I'm sure the librarian is one of the best out of this whole world, and she wouldn't commit a mistake like this.'

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