Part 18: Lucas meets Ivy

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"Let's go out. We need to talk where nobody can hear." Ivy dragged Lucas out. 

Lucas's roommate didn't argue. He was rather shocked a pretty noble girl such as Ivy visited.

"What do you want? You know I got expelled because of your little schemes." Lucas said as soon as they stopped in the backyard of the orphanage. 

"I need you help." Ivy looked at him.

"No. Why should I?" Lucas crossed his arm. He hated Ivy. She appeared so innocent to many, but he knew how manipulative she was. 

Lucas was born from a wealthy family in his past life. He got everything he wanted. But when his father's business collapsed, everything went downwards.
You see, Lucas had been very popular in his school as well. He had good looks, physic, and grades. He had a lot of friends, as well. 
But when his family got poor, those friends didn't follow him anymore. 
The stress caused his grades to worsen, and he stress ate a lot. 
Soon, he was just a fat and poor kid with average grades.
He got bullied at school. His father drunk everyday, and beat his mother.

He thought, "Why is this happening to me?! What did I do?! It's not fair.

Soon, his father started putting his anger on Lucas himself. 

At one point, Lucas's mother broke. 

She took out the knife and stabbed her own husband and son. She then committed suicide.

One day, he woke up in another dimension. He was reborn. 

His new family's wasn't very wealthy, but they had enough. 

When he reached the age of 5, he realised this new world was an otome game. 

At a ball, he met Roselyn Villinie. 

His former girlfriend (who left him) was pretty, but enjoyed otome games. 

Lucas remembered how she talked about it. It was about a baron's daughter who got sent to a academy, and got a bunch of capture targets. There was a villainess, as well. 

But there was also a character, who was an obstacle for the capture targets. 

Lucas Kaid. 

He tried seducing Ivy, but got killed by accident instead. 

Lucas, at age of 10, in his new world, flinched. 

'I don't want to die. But what can I do to prevent it?" 

He tried not to be a womaniser. But everything was just too tempting. Everything in the game unraveled, as planned. 

Then, Lucas had a thought. 

'What if I don't seduce Ivy? Then the capture targets wouldn't come after me.'

But he still craved for a lot of things. Power. Status. Money. 

'So why don't I just try to capture Roselyn, the villainess?'

Ivy approached him as well. She told him to make Roselyn fall in love with Lucas. Ivy even said that she would her him do so. 

It was perfect. Should've been.

But everything didn't go as planned. Instead of the capture targets chasing after Ivy, it was Roselyn as the center of attention.

That's when he realised that Roselyn also knew the about this world being a otome game. 

'But wouldn't that cause trouble for me?' He thought as the capture targets hung around Roselyn.

When he finally met up with Roselyn, it was his last chance to turn away before the capture targets ruined him. 

He thought Roselyn would be dumb, but she was more smart and skilled in magic then he could even imagine. 

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