Part 34: Down in the dungeon

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I tied up my hair in a bun so that it wouldn't get in my way, and covered my head with the black hoodie. 

"Tasha, remember to not tell anybody this. I'll come back soon, so don't worry about me. I have higher magic levels than any other student." I told her with a stern face, showing that I wasn't exaggerating. 

"Yes! As of expected of Lady Roselyn!" Tasha smiled with a resolved expression. 

"Can you create a small illusion for a short while?" I asked her. 

The Aurelia family were very strong when it came to magic, especially illusions and the element of water. 

In short, hey were masters in bending light. 

Even though Tasha was a half-blooded noble's daughter, she still had that very blood flowing through her. 

"Yes! Of course I can!" She said enthusiastically. 

Good. This was the type of air I wanted her to have when doing my orders. 

This way, I'll tell right away when she's hiding something. 

Oh but, how's this going to work out when she meets Ivy? If Ivy's very perceptive, then she might tell that Tasha already turned to the other side. 

But what if Tasha didn't act like this in front of Ivy? 

Her circumstance with me or Ivy are different, so it's a possibility Tasha didn't act like this. 

I'll think of something later. 

Even if she betrays me, I'll just blackmail her. 

I hopped on a tree beside right beside my window, making sure I had a landing on the branch. 

I gracefully swung down the branch, just to land my feet on the one below it. 

Holding the thick trunk, I hopped branch to branch. 

Soon enough, my feet finally landed on the solid yet soft grass. 

I decided to hide in a valley between two walls of this academy because there was no angle in which someone could see me. 

I checked one last time, and asked in my head, 

Elijah, did you prepare what I told you to?

Yes, My Dear Bossy Master. I found the dungeon hidden below the school. 

I ignored his comments. 

Proceed with transporting me there. 

A flash of blue light lit my whole body up, and my view suddenly changed. 

Instead of a dark purple-ish blue sky before, it was black. Pure black. 

I panicked for a moment, but then reminded myself that there was nothing to worry about. 

Getting out a thick wooden stick, I lit the top of fire to make it a torch. 

Everything suddenly seemed brighter, and I started walking down the dungeon. 

I looked around. 

The brick walls had a few cracks here and there, and there were some bugs that made me flinch crawling on them. 

The webs had gathered, along with the dust rising with my every step. 

The only reason I knew this place existed was because Roselyn spent about 2 day and nights here, awaiting her execution. 

There was no exit nor entrance. 

The Principal and Vice-Principal were the only ones who could transport here, taught by the former Principal and Vice-Principal. 

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