Part 89: Farewell

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The edges of my eyes had already been smothered to a reddened degree, not much different than Ivy's, when I finally remembered to drag out Elijah for answers. 

I was feeling all sorts of emotions when thinking about Onii-sama's situation. 

Anger for his suffering, pity for his suffering, disgust for his former ignorance that caused this all. 

Whoever framed the original Roselyn for poisoning, if they didn't exist, then Onii-sama wouldn't have sacrificed so much of himself. 

Elijah looked at me as if he had been waiting for it to happen, and I so wanted to punch this face of his. 

" the agreement is finally over." 


Onii-sama made an agreement with this so-called boy that is considered this world's 'god'? couldn't be.

"You-! Why didn't you tell me earlier?", I screamed at him in my anger. 

' So I told him I wanted to be a better big brother.'

It was only now that I understood these words. 

"As you've figured out, that was the terms of our bargain. As he finally feels like he's done enough, his existence is wiped out from the surface of this world." 

I always knew, that by the conversation in the courthouse, that by Onii-sama's request, this world was created. 

But never did I once ever think that there was a price to pay. 

Nothing ever comes free, why did I forget this quote?

His only goal was to become a better big brother, but in reality it was to see his little sister happy and well. 

With that reassurance, the contract could be fulfilled. 

I didn't know whether to feel sad or happy at this. 

As a bystander who had to hear about his pain, I felt desperation at his own words.

 But if the contract was fulfilled and he left, it means that his goal was finally accomplished.....right?

A bit of relief flooded over me through the blurry of heavy emotions after knowing that his life-long goal was accomplished. 

He must have been happy and resigned after seeing his original little sister find someone who would truly understand her. 

I smiled as I glanced over at Adriana, who was patting her best friend's hair flat after all that pulling. 

'What a kind soul. If there's anybody who deserves to be a heroine, it's her.' , I thought as I remembered her kind nature. 

Onii-sama had a sharp mind, and if he saw that the original villainess would finally be happy, then I was also reassured. 

'Ah, Roselyn, the original one. Although this body may have belonged to you in another lifetime, I believe that I have full ownership now. But I do see that you're happy the way you are.' 

I thought a bit about the real otome game, and finally finished my deduction of her character. 

She was known as immature, spoiled and detested when things didn't go her way. 

But was it that way, really?

Roselyn only started to complain a great deal and throw tantrums when Onii-sama started treating Ivy well. 

The timeline, according to my memory, didn't lie. her view, it was the only way to get attention? 

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