Part 61: Request

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The man slammed his hand on the table, and was so bewildered to the point where he lost the ability to speak momentarily. 

He coughed in shock a few times before finally managing to force out some words. 

I watched the sight without speaking nor acting because he would eventually calm down on his own. 

"Y-you-", he managed to stutter out, but he saw my serious face and was reminded of my position. 

I wasn't joking about this, and I wanted to make that clear to him. 

He looked at me with an unbelieving expression, as if wanting to crack my expression off me and have me admit it was a joke. 

But I stayed silent and made sure that that I my face didn't falter. 

I was nervous because because of this request, but I couldn't be all jittery now. 

Especially after making Onii-sama run around and do all that work, even if I was already presumed innocent because of the lack of poison. 

And this was strategically a good move, because then I would be shattering a lot of Ivy's power. 

It was a risky take though. 

If The Temple came out innocent, I would be the laughingstock of society. 

'The arrogant noble lady who thought she could go against The Temple itself.'

I could already think of the many names and impression I would give off afterwards. 

I would lose all the honour and reputation I had grown over the years, just like that. 

But it was better than doing nothing, just standing here and waiting for the guillotine to cut down on my neck. 

As much as it could progress my survival, it could also cause a huge backlash if failed. 

His eyes directly glanced at the amount of paper I was holding, and I understood that it was time to present evidence. 

'Sir, before you start panicking again, would you please have a look at this?'

My mind instantly scribbled the thought of that, because it would deliver a hint of insult. 

"If you would kindly read this, Sir." 

I nodded and smiled, but inside I was fuming with anger because of the amount of politeness I had to put on. 

Even I had to admit I didn't have the most patience in the world, and had quite a large amount of pride too. 

I didn't like bowing my head and coaxing people in a gentle tone, because that would betray any thoughts of mine. 

I admit that this pride of mine had not done me many favors, more hinderings. 

I thought that I alone would be able to stand against all the male leads and Ivy, but that was not the case. 

And for the time being, it seemed they didn't hate me that much. Yet. 

I was on a good relationship with Ellios, perhaps even comrades on the topic of magic. 

I trusted Onii-sama, and my admiration for him hasn't gone down a bit since I was born into this world. 

Philip........that knight......other than his crazy strength, he had nothing else. 

I truly didn't know what to feel on him, but I clearly understood that he respected me in some way. 

Aaron might as well become a marionette, he was pretty enough for that and I couldn't tell any traces of emotions on his face other than the casual annoyance at other people.

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