Part 26: The festival #3

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I gritted my teeth. Before stood the densest person I have ever met, with absolutely no shame at all. 

For a moment, I would rather spend 10 minutes with my own fiance than even 1 minute with this thick-head. 

                                                     'What a crude thought.' I told myself. 

"Lady Roselyn, look at this!" He held up a dark, crimson rose. 

It was a horrendous sight; The roots were still hanging from the bottom, and the flower was leaning as if 3 quarters dead. The petals were scrunched up as if all the moisture had been squeezed out. 

All the commoners looked at us, and I could feel them laughing at him. Perhaps they thought it was cute that a muscle-head like him was giving me a rose with no taste in these things at all. 

I could take this chance to embarrass him and scar him for the rest of his life. Perhaps that would keep him away from me in fear. 

But I couldn't do that, could I?

First of all, he doesn't even know what fear was. Even if he was on the brink of death, he would still fight regardless the scorching pain. 

Second, doesn't that just give Ivy a reason to approach him and mend his heart? 

It could be used against me. 

I guess I had to use all the self control existent within me to not step on his already half-dead rose and stomp away. 

This was embarrassing for me as well. Even more than him. 

If he could get embarrassed, that is. 

"Thank you! What a lovely rose!" Instead of holding it, I used magic to make it float beside me. 

The commoners watched in aw, probably void of the thought that I simply didn't want to touch it. 

The four of us students stood there. 

Ivy, looking quite unhappy. 

Ellios, glaring at the ground, as if he already lost. 

Philip, looking like the most happiest fool in the world. 

And me, putting on a appreciative smile for the crowd and Philip. 

I suppose this would shut Ivy and Ellios for a while. 

But why did Philip even give me roses? 

Maybe he wanted to mock me with the monstrous sight of the flower? 

But knowing Philip, he doesn't even know how to mock someone, or when he's mocked himself.

Or maybe the red rose reminded him of me? 

In the game, even Roselyn's tastes suited a villainess. She loved extravagant, crimson dresses. Especially the design of a almost-dying rose. 

What if he genuinely liked that way?

It was possible, considering his fool of a personality.

 He wasn't swayed by looks, but by rather how strong and determined you were. 

And...........I was strong. 

Philip fell for Ivy because he saw her determined look. And I don't think I have ever given such a look. 

Perhaps he mistook admiration for love. He's just that simple and idiotic. 

"Do you like that flower?" Ellios asked after glaring at the poor ground for what seemed like eternity. 

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