Part 6: The lab room

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The second day of school wasn't really anything special. Time passed by quickly, and soon the time to go to the lab came. I walked to the lab, with satisfacation within me.

Ellios's perspective

I hate school. Why did my father even send me here?

I knew that I was skilled at magic. I knew others knew as well. I had won 5 awards concerning magic, and yet here was a girl who picked up a level 7 potion book. How?! I had worked my whole life just to be a level 6, and yet she picked up a level 7 potion book. 

I thought she would laugh at me. I mean, you just beat the head magician's son. But instead she gave me uninterested eyes. I'm usually quiet and reserved, so people thought I wouldn't pay attention to things. But, contrary to their beliefs, I pay lots of attention. 

I could tell what they were thinking just by looking at their facial features. But when I saw this girl, she didn't give a heck about me. Usually, people would try to figure me out. Was I that mysterious? I was just bad at interacting with others. 

But this girl. She talked with me. I know that she knew me and my reputation, but she looked as if she didn't give a heck about rumors. She even asked if I wanted to watch. She saw right through me, when others couldn't even tell what I was feeling.

Of course, I wanted to be with her a bit longer. I guess I also wanted to actually see of she could make the potion, though I did feel a little guilty about that.

The next day, went to the library after lunch. The librarian knew that I was skipping, but she understood me. 

I couldn't wait until 8:00. It took about 10 minutes to walk from the library to the lab, so I parted at 7:49. A pink haired girl came in. She saw me and asked, "Are you leaving?"

"None of your buisness." I told her with a glare.

She looked at me urgently. "B-but....Wait!" She grabbed my arm.

"Get off me! I'm not acquainted with you!" I was mad. How dare she touch me as she pleased?!

I turned back to look at her. She had a confused face. How come? Well, it didn't matter. I wanted to see that girl I talked to yesterday. Come to think of it, she never told me her name, did she?

Back to Roselyn's perspective

I set up everything. Just then, the door bursted open. A boy with raven black hair popped in.

"Oh! You're here! I was getting worried you wouldn't come. Alright. Were going to make a potion that makes wings grow on objects, and even people. But it only lasts for an hour. But all you have to do is pour it on the object. Pretty handy." I said.

"O-ok. Understood."

First we measured the ingredients. We extracted the juice, and let it sit for a while. 

"I packed some sandwiches, if you would like. Homemade ones!" I exclaimed. I was a pretty good chef that could even rival the royal family's head chef. Even though this was a useless skill for a noble lady, I still enjoyed cooking. 

We enjoyed our sandwiches silently. Not that Ellios like to talk a lot, anyways. 

Competitive, introverted. That was Ellios. Pretty typical personality, I say.

Suddenly, the door opened. Could it be another person who wanted to make potions? I looked up from my sandwich and looked at the opened door.

A tall guy. Blue hair and fair skin. And a smile. One that certainly wasn't very..........happy.

"U-uh! Onii-sama! What brings you here? I never knew you wanted to make potions........."

"No. Of course not. I'm not here to make a potions. Rather, I'm here to see you. But oh my! 

 WHO IS THIS??? How dare he even eat the same sandwich as you. How dare he even touch a sandwich made by you?!" He still had his pretty smile on, except this time it wasn't so..........sunshine-y.

Ellios looked at me. "Are you engaged to the duke's son?" He whispered. He didn't know that Onii-sama meant big brother.

My face turned red. "N-no! I am engaged, but this is my brother!"

My brother's smile left. RIP. To the happy and easygoing Onii-sama.

"You. Just who are you to be close to my little sister like that."

Eeeeeeeek! Onii-sama! I know that you just want to protect me, but isn't that too much of a sis-con? I got really embarrassed. 

"Onii-sama! You got it all wrong! He helped me with a level 7 potion! The sandwich I made was to pay him back!" I said.

"And what did you need the potion for?" He asked, reverting to his normal self.

"Well, you see...........I wanted to make a potion that would sprout wings on my envelopes and then you would receive them through the window..............." I looked away.

"Ohhh..........Ahem. Excuse my unsightly behavior. I will take my leave now." He gave a final glare to Ellios and left. Probably going straight to his room to wait for the envelope.

Ellios looked at me. "D-does that mean you're a duke's daughter? Are you a illegitimate daughter? O-or are you really the unapproachable Roselyn Villinie?"

"Haha. Silly! Of course I'm not that  unapproachable! You approached me, right?"

I giggled. Looks like both of our reputations weren't so correct.

Oh! I should go now! My brother's a bit of a siscon, you see.........Sorry about that. But he's probably waiting for a letter to come, and I shouldn't keep him waiting. Plus, the potions done. Would you like some?" I asked.

"Y-yes! Please give me some!" He stood up.

After cleaning up and sharing the potion we made, I hurried back to my room. After writing a letter, I dripped some of the potion onto the envelope. It did sprout wings. I told it to go to Onii-sama's room. 

'Ok. I think it's time to move onto the next target.'

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