Part 58 : Who??? And why?

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I rummaged my room for a map, and in the end was successful.

I didn't need a whole entire world map; just one that indicated the landscape of this country clearly.

I marked all the hospitals (or at least the section they were in) with a red pen by memory.

It wasn't that hard to remember them, as long as you had the names of the sections in your head.

The hospital names were very simple, and named after the section they were placed.

Now, obviously the hospital clients would go to was determined by their home address, or which one they were close to at the time an emergency arised.

But since the casualties all these victims suffered from before coming to the hospital was small, it couldn't be a sudden emergency.

They wouldn't have come to the hospital until they realised something was wrong.

Which meant that everybody who's name was listed was living in an area around this hospital.

I circled the section of houses close to this hospital, which were a few towns and so on.

The temple was indeed near this certain town, hence why they could have lowered casualties.

If they weren't this close to the hospital, the number of mysterious deaths could have been a much bigger number, possible even double the amount now.

Some part of me sighed in relief, even if I didn't have a great opinion of the Temple because they were going to give Ivy a lot of power for her to weld.

But this specific hospital was close to the Temple.......

That one sentence refused to leave my mind, and a thought emerged.

"What if..........the Temple had caused th—"

I quickly covered my mouth with my palm, because there was no way.

This was the Temple we were talking about, and they definitely showed that they cared about the people.

The Temple did many things that supported the Country, in the name of God.

To the homeless, they offered nights to stay and bread to eat, and even elderly services.

The Temple had good intentions as the servants of God, anybody could tell.

'To the homeless, they offered nights to stay and bread to eat?'

"But, wouldn't that make it easier for them to—"

I clapped my palm over my mouth to shut it, because this was the Temple itself we were talking about.

The drug was presumably used on all the dead victims and many other was definitely that purple liquid.

A few months ago, Ivy blackmailed a certain maid, Tasha, to come spy on me.

After a few weeks without any results, I assume Ivy got impatient and told her to put the certain drug in my tea.

Tasha, who had no choice so I don't blame her, did it successfully.

Any cut on me, just like these poor victims, won't heal as fast as it would normally if ever at all.

Come to think of it, I actually don't know how long it would take for any wound on me to heal.

It was only until Nurse Molly, who had the healing power herself, stopped the bleeding.

My body shivered at the thought of what would happen if Nurse Molly wasn't there or some other crazy situation.

Would I have ended up like these victims here?

No, no. It was only a nosebleed. Dying would be literally a joke. 

But no, this wasn't something to laugh at. 

It was fully possible with this powerful drug, and it could easily be turned into an assassination tool or something to help you easily take down your targets. 

And after taking a second look at the records of the victims, the majority were on the poor side of society. 

This couldn't be a coincidence, not at all. 

So, if I was right, the Temple was putting these drugs to feed to these people through seemingly-holy services. 

Every puzzle piece fit together, except the reason why they would do this. 

Wasn't the Temple always supporting the poor and worshipping god?

This wasn't a fairy-tale of a world, where only black and white existed. 

Although this was an otome game, all the evil things Roselyn had done came with reasons. 

She didn't do it because she was in an evil mood and wanted to cause chaos. 

I was definitely sure that the same goes for the Temple. 

However, whatever reason they had to do this would not have needed the death and suffering of many. 

That, I was sure of. 


Finishing up the letter, I set the ink pen in its fancy holder. 

I sealed up the folded paper in the envelope, and wrote its final destination as the Magic Tower's Head's office. 

I quietly opened the window, and a bird flew inside. 

I brushed its tiny head twice with my finger, and tied the piece of paper to its leg. 

It jumped a few times before setting off to the distance.


Ever since I had left that place, I've truly never bothered with their progress. 

Because I had absolute trust in the Magic Tower, and the fact that they wouldn't just leave the drug hanging like that. 

Although the Magic Tower might not have anything to do with the law, I'm sure that they had a sense of justice as well. 

And plus, I was too young and uneducated to cause a change, so I let them handle the matter. 

I had no intention to report this matter to the king, since I had already digested the drug. 

Part of me was afraid that this might cause a disadvantage on my part, when people heard that the duke's daughter had been poisoned. 

Although the fact that the daughter of a high ranking noble would mean that they would have to put even more effort into stopping this drug, it would certainly place ideas into people's minds. 

Once they learn the function of this drug, and that I've digested it, assassinating the future queen suddenly seems like a much easier task. 

Obviously, we could try to keep it a secret.......but rumours spread like wildfires, impossible to stop once its out there. 

I know that relying on the Magic Tower to do all the work was a selfish act, but I didn't have any other choice. 

I was confident that they'd at least done something to stop the drug. 

I hadn't really bothered with this matter until now, because I've found valid accusations against the Temple. 

The Temple was obviously going to give Ivy a great power boost in both society and position, so they had to be stopped. 

I couldn't help but think the reason I would be taking down the Temple was for my own selfish reasons.

But what mattered in the end wasn't my reasons for doing it, but my actions instead. 

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