Part 8: Another capture target

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A week passed after school started. If I remembered right, this capture target was going to appear today, at morning break. He was supposed to be very strong, with a easygoing spirit. 

Apparently, he got late training, and Ivy just happened to in the same hallway that she wasn't familiar with and got lost. Ivy was actually in the hallway leading to the training grounds, and so they met. Because he was a easy going spirit, he immediately became friends with her. The heroine was pretty strong as well. She had earth magic, specifically healing, which was the rarest of all the other sections in earth magic. She could use that power to make her body faster and stronger, but she wasn't as powerful as the capture target. He offered to train her, and she accepted.

This capture target was the army commander's son. Now, to be an army commander, meant you were one-twenty-fifth of the whole army's strength. Meaning you had to be very  strong.

I opened the door connecting to the training grounds. I saw him. He had brown hair and orange eyes. He was chopping pieces of wood piled up. He heard the creaky door open, and looked at me. He gasped at the sight of me. It was rare for a young lady to be here, much less a diginified Duke's daughter. 

"Princess Roselyn! U-um are you sure you're not in the wrong place?" He asked. Others simply looked at me.

"No, I am not. You are Philip Berk, son of Commander Berk, are you not?" I asked.

"Y-yes! I know this is a bit improper of me to ask, but you have been training since the age of 7, did you not? Could you have a light spar with me?" He looked at me with puppy eyes. 

"Ok, sure." I said. I grabbed a wooden sword lying on the ground and walked towards him.

Truth is, I had trained all these years. Why? So when my plans went awry and the capture targets try to kill me (or at least prank me) I could protect myself. The original Roselyn didn't train her body at all. She believed that a proper lady must be smart, not strong. Thus, she could only use magic to protect herself, but that wouldn't work with Ellios because Roselyn was weaker than him in the original game. I also trained my body if I suddenly had to fight with Philip, because he was very strong.

"3.....2........1........... START!" A random guy yelled. Everyone in the training room was staring at us, wondering who would win. But of course, all of them thought that Philip would definitely win. After all, I was just a weak little noble girl in their eyes.

But, the reality was different. I beat him senseless in the ground. 

"And the Winner is Roselyn Villinie!" Everyone looked shocked. 


It was Onii-sama. Of course, he grew up with me. He knew how strong I was.

"Onii-sama! Don't worry, this time I only knocked them into the ground." I smiled.

He looked relieved after seeing Philip. 

"Ok, but the training grounds isn't something that we nobles should be at. Let's go now, ok?" He used a tone that was for calming a crying child. Why? Because the last time I fought somebody, it was a kid who said I was weak. I beated him to pulp. I also beated the adult man who blamed it all on me. Little did they know I was the Duke's daughter. This family got into big  trouble. I'm pretty sure they haven't paid off their debt, even now.

By the end of the day, news spread that I had beaten the Commander's son. Some girls took this as an advantage to point out my mistakes. 

"I can't believe she fights. How unladylike of her. " I heard a viscount's daughter say. 

I walked up to them. "You know, I could ruin your family with one single word. Shall I?" I smiled.

"Eeeeep. N-no! Please forgive me! I didn't mean such things." She looked down.

I walked away. These girls were just jealous. They would do anything to bring my name down. 

Then I saw Ivy. She looked at me. It was a ......................hateful glare. The heroine could make a face like that? Perhaps she wasn't so innocent as everyone believed her to be. 

"Why..........why did you hurt Philip?" She looked as if she were about to cry. 

"He was the one who decided to spar with me. Don't you know if he didn't ask, he wouldn't be hurt?" I said with disgust.

"How are you the center of nobility? How could you be so ............mean? He got hurt!" She yelled at me. 

"Are you going to stand up for every person who gets hurt in a spar? Shall you decide to do that, then you might as well be saying the same thing to every person who has fought with a sword before." I replied.

But hold on. Because I had interfered with their meeting by making Philip hurt, how did Ivy know him? He wasn't even in the hallway they met in because he was in the Nurse's office by then. Does this person have memories of their past life like me?

Ivy trembled. She didn't look like she was angry that Philip got hurt, but instead she looked as if someone stole something precious to her. Like the meeting with Philip.

She raised her hand to hit me. This made so many people gasp. Just touching a duke's daughter could get you in jail for a few years, and even worse, executed. Just when it hit my face, someone grabbed her hand. No, two people grabbed her hand. 

"Ellios...............Albert..............You came to save me." I said while shedding crocodile tears. 

Innocent Mode, ON. This was a trick used by the heroine. I mean, it was obviously fake because nobody is that innocent.

"I.........*sniff*...........I can't..............I'm sorry. I just can't blame it on her. Please don't find her at fault. She was just angry because her loved hurt because of me."

Oooooooooooh! Double slap in the face. Why? Because I just put more pressure one her by putting on the facade, and that seemed as if it were her fault by trying to slap me. Second, Philip had a fiancee. I just told the world that she was in love with Philip. This kind of rumour will always lead to her being a seductive b*tch.

"Ok. Why don't you go to your room? I'm sure you're in shock at this point." Albert smiled. Of course he would. He was know to be a gentle, nice, and pretty boy. 

I had originally planned to stay clear of the heroine. However, I think that after this incident it's safe to assume that she has memories of the otome game. If I took a guess, it'd probably be that she's from my world as well. 

At this point it's futile not to do anything. I will die at this pace. So screw getting good terms with the heroine. She's definitely not going to just sit there either. 

Heroines aren't born without a villainess. She needs me to be the bad guy so that she can become the good guy. 

So, I simply won't do that. Instead, I'll get be good friends with the capture targets, and I'll make her jealous. As you can see today, she reacted. I'm sure she'll react another time. Then it probably won't work anymore. But it's a good thing to worsen her reputation while improving mine. Heheh. Like a villainess.

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