Part 12: A busy day, indeed

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Lucas Kaid. How did he know?!

No. It's futile to think to fast. What should I do? 

If I decided to expel him, then that would mean I didn't get help from a person who knew what the game was also like. But why did I need that? I only need to rely on myself. 

If I kept him here, he might work with me. Might. And because Ivy was the heroine, he probably was a double agent. No doubt that he's going to be on both of our sides and go with whoever 'wins'. Or he might believe in the game and go with Ivy, while tricking me. I was supposed to be brought down, anyways.

The decision was crystal clear. 

"He helped me...but also used a love potion on me. When I was hurt and the nurse was busy, he brought me a glass of water with love potion inside. But luckily, I sensed it and removed it." I said, as if I were suffering a big deal.

The 3 capture targets looked at me. 

"Roselyn, why don't you go to your class. I'll take care of this." Onii-sama said. What a cool hero you are, Onii-sama!

I headed back, leaving Lucas with those 3 people. I was satisfied. No way they were only going to let Lucas get expelled. 

             I hope you have a fun time getting destroyed by those beasts, Lucas Kaid.

And that was the last interaction I had with him.

Class continued. There was a substitute teacher for history. That must mean that Onii-sama was working hard to destroy the Kaid family. 

We were assigned partners for a project in history.

And I had to admit, the substitute teacher was bold. He assigned me with Aaron even when I had a fiance. Not everybody knew that the crown prince was my fiance, but even a idiot could guess that the daughter of the sole duke and the crown prince were engaged.

I never noticed that I was in the same history class with Aaron until now, when I was assigned with him. Am I that ignorant?

Alright! This was the time to show off my skills to Aaron and become friends! Soon I'll have all the capture targets on my side. He he. How will you counter that, Ivy?

Me and Aaron first worked on the brainstorming. We had decided to make a report about the timeline of magic creatures, and how their powers and stats grew over time. 

"Oooh! Hey Aaron! Can I draw this fire squirrel? You should know, I'm really good in art!" I held my head up high proudly. 

Everyone looked at me as if saying, "You're good at everything. " I decided it would be best to ignore them.

After History ended, me and Aaron managed to finish our brainstorming for ideas. We had already sorted them out into timelines. 

I visited Onii-sama using a invisibility spell, because no students were allowed to go in the teacher's and staff's dorm. 

I slipped in and poked my Onii-sama on the shoulder. He look surprised, but when he saw it was only me, he looked relieved and forgave my little prank on him.

"What happened to Lucas Kaid?" I asked. I could've sent a letter, but I ran out of the wing potion already. I'll go make some more with Ellios some day later.

"It went well. Though, you shouldn't peek into other people's business." He looked at me. The fact that he wasn't telling me meant that it was really bad. Onii-sama never kept secrets from me, and I never leaked them out. But the thing is that Onii-sama has always protected me from the bad things in reality and kept me in some fairytale, and I had to find out myself. 

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