Part 85: Not what it seems

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I could tell that, by the nurse's face, she was on the same page as me. 

If the bird didn't have the bests interests for their owner, then that made things much more complicated and difficult. 

It wasn't the time to unveil the mystery, if the thought was correct, in this time-tight situation. 

The only thing we could focus on here was how to stop Ivy in her insane state, and to stop her before she could cause serious damage to the ball. 

At this point, many people who were standing there shocked or to see the show were scooting out by the door. 

Many people followed the first people who acknowledged the danger in this room and soon sounds of walking could be heard near the entrance. 

I turned my head to watch them push open the door, but the door wouldn't open no matter what.

".....What?", someone's distressed voice could be heard across the hall. 

Somebody more knowledgeable in magic made a destroying spell, but it only hit the door and shattered immediately. 

The door suddenly revealed a spell on it, which most likely kept anybody from opening it. 

But there are too many magically-talented people in this room, how could it have been placed there without anybody noticing it?!

I turned my head, and immediately placed my suspicions on the magical creature. 

Magical creatures weren't built the same as humans were, but luckily for us, their overpowered selves never had any intent to destroy humanity. 

Or more as they couldn't, because all magical creatures were independent to the extreme. 

Such creatures could use complicated and mana-taking spell without losing too much mana, and they replenished much faster, too. 

Some people contemplated that magical creatures might be made out of mana themselves. 

A few yellings could be heard, and then the wronged sounds increased in number. 

"What is this! Let us out!" 

The Principal had already gone into action, and tried to ease the nobles and important figures. 

Them making loud noises and screaming around would only make the situation worse. 

Right now, we were depending on Nurse Molly to pacify Ivy, because nobody else had the courage to risk it. 

Soon enough, with a girl losing control, and the door locked to block exiting, agitation and panick flooded through the crowd like wildfire. 

People were screaming, kicking, complaining, and stomping their feet within the before-tranquil hall. 

A few magicians had gone to assist with the locked door, but all spells just shattered once they hit the spell-circle on the door. 

The moment a crack appeared on the circle, though, people started to get their hopes up and started to attack it even more persistently. 

But a chirp from the bird, and the spell was fixed as if it had never been scratched at all. 

And people could tell that the bird had plenty of more mana to spare, if it had to fix the door's spell again. 

Wails of despair started to emerge as people saw that the whole hall had been imbued with the same spell, keeping everybody locked in here. 

And things weren't going better on Nurse Molly's side, either. 

Although her words may have worked in quelling the first time around, it seemed that Ivy's ears were blocked to the rest of the nurse's attempts. 

Ivy grabbed the sides of her head as another disturbing shriek rang out of her mouth, and a spell glew up on the floor beneath her feet. 

Ria seemed to be continually feeding the spell mana, a ceaseless amount humans could never keep up with. 

By then, Ivy's heavy breathes had only become much more ragged, and I could have sworn that I noticed some moments where her eyes completed blanked out, as if she were an empty shell without a soul. 

Onii-sama hurried over, and his face paled at the recognition of the spell cast by the bird. 

"T-that's a bomb! It's a bomb!", someone screamed for everybody to hear. 

I wanted to roll my eyes at this person, since it would only make things worse. 

Even Onii-sama had refrained from saying anything, thanks to his quick thinking in making decisions. 

At this point, almost everybody was already erratic with no time or energy for their reputation. 

But even the ones that had decided to stay calm started to holler in horror, because it was clear what the bird's end goal of today was going to be. 

The spell, after a bit of observing, was a complicated spell that needed a few people as support to sustain it with mana, but needed someone as an anchor to direct the spell. 

But with the unclarity of the mess we have of Ivy, I doubt she had a single sense of her current surroundings, never less secure a complicated spell. 

But with the position of her standing, the middle of the spell, it seemed like that's what her role was exactly. 

Perhaps, no definitely, it was the bird that had done something. 

I made a fire spell with my hand, and aimed the destructive incantation at the bird. 

We had too less, too less information on magical creatures, to the point where we only knew of their existence and barely anything else. 

It landed on the unexpecting bird, and there was a fizz of mana burning before the wound patched up. 

"Ivy! Please stop!" 

A flash of blue landed in front of the gone-insane count's daughter, before trying to reach out for the catalyst of destruction. 

"Lady Royal! Please, get out of there! She can't process anything you tell her anymore!"

Onii-sama had already created solo formations around him to fire at the target - whether it was sealing or destruction, I did not know - but had to halt because Adriana was in the way. 

Adriana seemed like she didn't hear Onii-sama's warning at all, and instead only had perturbed eyes for Ivy's condition. 

"Ivy! Ivy! Listen to me, I'm right here! Please break out of your trance! That bird!" 

Adriana's tone was so desperate to the point where if she weren't on her knees, you would think she were begging for her life. 

I looked around for my mother, who had suddenly popped in my mind. 

She was pregnant, and in this stressful chaos, wouldn't it be bad for her?

And to my horror, she was lying on the ground, gasping in pain with my father supporting her. 

I gulped, and despite the terrible urge to run towards her and soothe her down, I couldn't with the current situation. 

Today marked the first day I had a taste of powerlessness in this life, which I supposed came with living such a carefree lifestyle. 

Not only once, but twice. 

At first it was because I thought my family was going to fall because of my mistakes, but that turned out to be a fluke and my own overthinking. 

But the second time around, it was truly a life or death situation. 

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