Part 5: Meet the Magic Genius!

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"Why hello. Are you Ellios Caren?" But, I already knew the answer. 

"U-uhhhh. I am! But first, a-are you reading that book? T-that's l-level 7, you know!" He mumbled. He was known to be quiet and reserved. But today I learned that he also hated others beating him in terms of magic. Is everybody dumb? How did they overlook this part of his personality?!

"Yes. I am reading this. I need to practice my potions. Why are you asking such?" I asked.

"Because...............because..............." Of course. He was just so competitive. It was kinda cute.

But first. How did I know that he was here? 

Simple. In the otome game, Ivy meets him on the second day in the library, in another section. That was his 'reading place' because usually nobody went there. He was reading a potion book, which he the day before, and they chatted. Soon Ivy figured that he always came after school, at 8:00. So you would eventually conclude that he came here on the first day, at 8:00, to get the potion book.

"A-are you gonna make those p-potions? U-um.....If it is o-okay......................" He looked down.

"Hehe. Do you wanna come with me? No need to be so shy." I said. "I'm doing this in the lab at 8:00 tomorrow." 

"O-ok! I will make sure to be on time!"He looked like a puppy receiving a bone. 

"You can even come earlier!" I said as I left. 

Perfect. Looks like you won't be meeting one of your capture targets tomorrow, little heroine.

You might of thought that this was pretty evil. But aren't a villainess? 

The second day passed without any trouble. At this point, Roselyn had already been insulting Ivy about her status. But I decided that it was best to stay clear of the heroine for now. But. You're probably wondering what exactly am I doing right now?  Simple.

Getting on good terms with the capture targets. In the game, it was the capture targets who protected Ivy. Ivy didn't even use a finger for my destruction. It was all done by the capture targets. So anybody with a good brain would try to be at least friends with the capture targets.

I went to my room, humming to my self. Time to relax in that oversized bed. I bet even Seria was a bit jealous. 

I was handed 6 maids to prepare me everyday. In the original game, Roselyn used them to harm Ivy. 3 went to jail, 1 got executed, one fled, leaving her with only 1. This maid's name was Melissa. She stuck with Roselyn to the very end, because she felt bad for Roselyn, even of she knew what Roselyn had done. I guess I'll try trusting her.

The 6 maids were waiting at the door. 

"M'lady, welcome back. Would you like a peachy rose bath? We have prepared high-quality shampoo, given by the M'lady's mother. M'lady's brother also sent you a gift for your first day at the academy."

"Alright. I suppose a bath would be nice. Also, add some lemon juice inside." I snapped my fingers. The maids went to prepare it. 

My family sent me 4 nightgowns, all made with high quality fabric, but not missing in details. I told my maid that I wanted to wear the purple one.

After taking a bath, I opened the laced box, given to me by my Onii-sama.

Dear sister,

How was the first day? Was anyone mean to you. If so, I will ruin their lives.

Did you make some loyal friends? It's good to have ones that won't use you for your power and status. 

I hope today was fun. I'm not allowed to visit you, so I will send some letters. 

Knowing you, you probably went to the library. Do you know how proud I am of my little sister who is a genius? 

Please send me a letter too. My room is in the staff dorm, #11. 

From your loving brother, Andrew.

I smiled while reading this letter. My Onii-sama is usually a gentle person, but when it comes to me, he is a addicted sis-con. I took out my pen and some paper, and immediately started writing back. The maids manicured my nails, and I went to to bed. 

Not bad for a first day, I thought.

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