Part 44: The magic tower

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I gracefully picked up my cup of tea, which was supplied by some magicians in this tower. 

They didn't have maids to make ordinary tea, but this magic-brewed tea was actually very delectable. 

After all, I was a rather special guest they had to treat with care.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I wasn't the only one sitting around this round table. 

"Ellios, do you not like tea? I find this interesting occasion quite special."

I glanced up at him, who was looking down at his lap instead of the freshly brewed cup in front of him.

"N-no! Its not that I don't like it.......just......" 

"Or is my presence bothering you? Is it me that you don't like?" I asked curiously. 

A stop of silence, then his head jerked up to face me.

"Of course not! I-I would never hate you!" 

He looked slightly worried, like he was scared of me getting to conclusions. 

And at that moment then, I had an odd thought.

Ellios was worried about me thinking that he hated me, and he was never one to maintain appearances. 

And whats more, he would never refute a fact so harshly like that.

Why would he deny my statement to that extent?

" you perhaps like me?" I asked, then slowly sipped my tea.

His normal gesture stayed on his face for a few seconds, leading me to believe that he didn't actually. 

But a comprehensive spark lit his eye, and he flinched back quickly.

His lips started quivering, and his face reddened into the shade of a fresh tomato.

"That n-not it!" 

He looked down in embarrassment. 

But after a few seconds, he glimpsed up to look at me. 

His eyes widened as he realised something, and his lips quibbled out words. 

"As a friend......of course!!!" 

His rather loud tone surprised me, and shook me back a bit.

He gave me a hopeful stare, as if wanting me to believe that.

'But Ellios.......'

I looked away from him.

'How do I say this? He was a rather bad liar.'

Using my arms, I pushed the table so my wooden chair would squeak back. 

Without looking back at the embarrassed Ellios and my half dranken still-warm cup of tea, I walked out the shabby lobby that was considered the guest room.

"Well then, I'll take my leave. I do believe its time for the examination." 

It was a terrible excuse, but Ellios was in too much of a weakened state to see through the lie. 

I myself was confused, and wanted some space for myself to think in. 

I really did have the examination today, but it was half an hour away. 

Flopping onto my bed, I cleared out my mind. 

It was impossible to deny that he had thought of me as a friend, but the fact that he was still a capture target stayed in my mind. 

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