Potions Class

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"Wake up! Victoria wake up!" Someone yelled. On instinct I threw my fist up and heard someone yelp.
"Who woke me up?" I asked groggily. "Your twin brother Harry," Harry said, holding his nose.
"Sorry. Why did you wake me up?" I said. "You have classes with us," he answered. I groaned but got up and changed into the Durmstrang uniform.
"What class do we have first?" I asked. "Potions," Ron rolled his eyes and I laughed.Why the eye rolling Ronald?" I asked. "Snape is the most evil, twisted-," "Ron!" Harry hissed. "Oh no continue Mr. Weasley, this summary of me is quite.... interesting. Do continue," someone said. I turned around to see a professor wearing dark robes glaring at us.
I assumed he was Snape. "I was just saying sir how you are the kindest most good looking professor in Hogwarts." Ron squeaked and then gulped.
"Ah," Snape said and rolled his eyes continuing to his classroom. "Woah," I said. "Yep," Hermione laughed.
"Alright class, today you will be conjuring the Death potion-," he started. "But that's illegal!" Hermione yelled, jumping out of her seat. "SIT DOWN MS. GRANGER!" Snape snapped and she did.
"Now open your Potions book to page 383... Mr. Malfoy I do not appreciate the paper airplanes made out of your homework so I would stop before you get 3 weeks worth of detention." Snape said calmly.
A white blond boy stopped throwing the airplanes and growled. Rude....
I raised my hand. "What is it Misss?" Snape asked. "Potter," I answered. the class gasped. "I'm sorry did you say Potter?" He asked. l"Yes sir," I replied. "Well... what is your question?" He asked. "The book says use the dragon vein for the potion, but wouldn't the Archgald weed be a more successful alternative?" I asked.
"Your reasoning?" He asked. "Well the dragon vein is in fact dangerous but it only knocks someone out for an hour. Mixed with the other ingredients it could kill but only if you had a weak immune system. Archgald Weed attacks the lungs which will kill the victim with the other ingredients." I said.
The class agape at me and I smirked. "Class dismissed!" Snape hissed. Everyone bounded out of there seats towards the door. "Ms. Potter! Stay back for a moment," Snape ordered and I obeyed.
"How did you survive Voldemort?" He Asked. "You can thank Mr. Teddy for that," I said, referring to my teddy bear. I smiled as I exited the room.

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