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"Vic!" Harry whispered, shaking me. I groaned and smacked him in the head with my pillow. "OW!" He hissed. "Dang that was my only pillow," I whined.

I tried to fall asleep on the sheets, but my pillow and I have a strict relationship. It just wasn't the same. "What do you want you tool?" I growled, sitting up. "I have to show you something," he said. "Couldn't it wait until morning?" I mumbled, already pulling the comforter over my head. "It might get us into trouble," he taunted. I bolted upright. "I'm in." I said. He smirked, knowing that trouble is my middle name.

I threw on a shirt and pajama pants and followed Harry downstairs.

"Hide!" Harry ordered, shoving my in a broom closet with him. "This is highly uncomfortable," I mumbled before Harry slapped his hand over my mouth and gestured for me to be quiet. Oh how I wanted to bite his hand to teach him a lesson. I probably would've if I didn't hear Snape's voice on the other side of the door. "She's here," he hissed. "Who?" Another woman asked. "The other Potter twin. The girl!" He whispered. "Ohh! My niece is here? Oh my gosh!" I heard the girl whisper excitedly. "For an escaper of Azkaban you sure are girly," Snape said, and I could almost hear him rolling his eyes.

I glanced at Harry's face and knew that he was thinking of who this woman was.

"Do not get me wrong Severus, I will kill you," she replied in a dark voice. "But I am excited to see my Victoria. It's just an unlucky coincidence that she's with the supposed "good guys." The woman added and I could hear her click her tongue in disapproval. "But that can all be changed can't it Severus?" She asked in a rhetorical way. "I don't care about her being your niece. I just want her dead," Snape said. I would've have blown our cover gasping if Harry's hand wasn't still over my mouth.

Suddenly a loud thump banged against the door to the broom closet. I recognized it at Snape's back being shoved onto the door. "Listen here Severus. You will not touch her or kill her. I was not in Azkaban for picking dandelions and we both know why. I may be evil but Victoria Potter is my niece. So is that other Potter boy is my nephew but I cannot blame the Dark Lord for wanting revenge on him. I am capable of dangerous and frightening things Severus. Do not test me." She growled and I heard Snape stand up straight. "Good boy. Now, I'm going to take a look around and no one will hear about our little conversation. Understood?" She asked. I heard footsteps echoing down the halls away from us and we both visibly relaxed.

"Come one Vics," Harry said sadly. I grabbed his hand for reassurance and he lead me down hallways and staircases until we finally reached a room. A giant gold mirror was leaning up against the wall. Besides that and a few blankets, the stone floors and walls were bare. I stopped to see what was so special but Harry tugged me over to the mirror.

He pushed away a cloth that covered it and wiped away the dust with his free hand. Suddenly the mirror began to ripple until we weren't seeing our reflections anymore. There I was, still clutching hands with Harry, but we were standing next to a man and woman. The woman had orange hair, pale skin and freckles. The man had circular glasses, dark hair, and mischievous eyes. The were both smiling brightly at us, as if we were taking a picture together.

"Is that?"I asked Harry. "It's mom and dad," he replied happily. "We look like we belong there," I said, tears filling my eyes. I jerked around but saw the same dark and barren room. "Harry where are our parents?" I asked. "They're dead Vics," he answered. "NO! They were right here!" I cried, desperately searching for them. "Victoria," Harry murmured putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and wiped away my tear stained cheeks.

"You're hair is an icy blue," he said in realization. "Yeah. it gets like that when I'm hopeful," I said quietly. I put my hand on the mirror and wanted to so desperately touch one of their hands. It felt as if there was just a piece of glass between us. I almost tricked myself into thinking that I could feel the warmth of my mother's hand when she rested her's upon the glass next to mine. "Mum," I cried silently, wishing that I could be hugged my her.

Harry hugged me tightly. "They are just what we want in life. Just a reflection Vics," he whispered. "I know," I sighed, finally calming down. I felt my hair turn back to its brown and blond state. "Let's head back," he said. I nodded absently. I watched as Harry covered the mirror back with the cloth. He took my hand and led me down a hallway. Then we stopped and he pulled us down so that we were ducking behind bushes.

I spotted curly, ling, and black hair. She turned and whistled. She had a milky white complexion, high cheekbones, and a wild look her eyes. A black horse that oddly looked like a skeleton flew down and she climbed onto its back. The horse took off into the air with her on it. They flew off past Hogwarts.

I turned and spotted Harry's ace. It was deathly white. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "That was our aunt," he said, frightened. "So/" i asked. "Our aunt is Bellatrix Lestrange." He murmured.

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