Help From a Hobo, Excessive Fainting, and Hogwarts Sweet Hogwarts

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      Walking back to Hogwarts in the snow was not my idea of fun. Especially when my outfit consisted of my sweaty, grimy, and blood-soaked clothes from a week ago at the inn.

My shoes had been worn and there were holes in them. Also, I think I'm coming down with pneumonia or hypothermia or whatever. The point is I'm sick. And still about five miles from Hogwarts.

I'm guessing.

I mean, you follow your idiotic brother into the middle of no where to save your friends, only to kill your sister, die, come back to life, lose your brother and just to walk back to the place you were running away from.

But whatever.

Just a normal day in the surprise life of Victoria Potter. Anyway, I trudged through snow, not even knowing if I was going in the right direction, and I collapsed.

Straight out fainted.

When I woke up, it was night, and I was no longer covered in snow. I sat up to see a pot over a fire, a sleeping bag away from mine, and a shelter of trees.

"Hello?" I asked.

No answer. I sat up from the sleeping bag and looked around. The soft glow of the fire with the pitch black sky gave an eerie look that I didn't like.

"Hello?!" I yelled again, this time more urgent and fearful.

A crack in the bushes made my head dart impossibly fast towards its direction. I got up and searched for my wand, but didn't find it.

Feeling more threatened as another crack was let out into the air, I snatched up a fallen branch that was about as thick as my arm (which, to my stupidity, was not very thick). I held it out in front of me like it was a sword.

"Don't be stupid, girl. Put the branch down." A man's scratchy voice rang out from the bushes. "No way!" I screamed back, physically feeling the blood rush to my ears and pound furiously through my head.

"Stupify!" He yelled at me.

I saw a bright red flash of light and felt a hard force hit me. I flew back and black out.


When I woke up, a man was sitting across from me. "Who the bloody hell are you!" I yelled. "My name's Reginald Parker. Who are you?" He asked me.

"Hailey Larson." I lied. There was no way I was telling this creep my real name.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Don't bother lying to me, Victoria Potter." Reginald said. "How do you know my name!" I shouted.

"First of all, lower your voice." He said. I nodded, even though I had a feeling we both knew that if I got too uncomfortable, I would scream.

"I know your name because your famous."


"The long lost sister of Harry Potter? Yeah, you're famous." He rolled his eyes again.

"If you roll your eyes anymore, they'll get stuck up there." I said.

He chuckled.

"So why did you help me?" I asked. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked me. "Because it's very weird to help a teenage girl in the middle of a forest." I said.

"Common goodness." Reginald said. I nodded. After explaining that I needed to leave, he gave me my wand back and wished me luck. I thanked him and left.

After walking for along time, I finally reached the front doors of Hogwarts. I banged my fist on the door, exaustion taking over my body. Filch opened the door as dawn broke over the horizon, and I fainted (for the third time that day may I add) into Ron's arms.

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