Brother vs. Sister

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"I- Ivy?" Voldemort asked. She made a pouty face. "Oooh not so tough now are you?" She asked and then laughed.
"So," she clicked her tongue and smiled at her brother's uneasiness.
"Did you miss me Tommy?" She asked. "Tommy?!" I burst out laughing. "Crucio!" Voldemort's yelled, pointing his wand at me. Before it could reach me though, Ivy blocked it.
"Haven't you learned anything brother?" She asked him, easing her wand in the air. "Have you forgotten sister that you are dead." He smirked.
"Avada Kadavra!" Voldemort yelled. Green light was cast from his wand.
But, instead of killing Ivy, it soared straight through her and disintegrated. "Oh Tom Marvolo," she sneered, walking around. "A dead person cannot die. Duh." She said. "True, but they can feel so much pain that they are blasted into pieces." He sneered.
"Reducto!" He yelled. Ivy blocked it. "Daravoni!" Ivy bellowed and Voldemort fell to the ground and hit his head. "You will pay for that you-"
"Now Tommy, no foul language." Ivy teased. She then chuckled at his growing anger.
"Excrutio!" He screamed. Ivy was thrown into the wall by an invisible force. She got up, fixed her hair and looked at him. "Perfionu!" She said. Ribbons flew from her dress and wrapped around his arms, legs, and throat. "Ahhhh!" Voldemort exclaimed, ripping the ribbons. "Axclamamsniois!"
Ivy started spitting blood. She held her head and then slowly got up.
"You are weak." Voldemort said. "Pathetic." "You cannot protect a silly wizard." "I killed you for a reason." He spat. She looked at him. Her dark emerald eyes were filled with hate. For the first time since I'd physically seen Ivy, she looked dangerous and murderous.
"Munmeth en fiano. agerne es philipes nonkodn mi fipth." She murmured. She waved her wand in the air and white dog appeared where her wand went. "Ancient curse." Voldemort said in shock. "Muthrandia coraoshia!" She yelled. The White fog entered Voldemort and he screamed in pain.
He disappeared into black spoke and left. Ivy smirked in triumph.
"How did you die?" I asked her. "I told you: my brother." She said. "Ehat did he do to you?" I asked her. "He- he-" she sighed. "Another time." She smiled weakly.
She the. Disappeared into red spoke and then I soon felt heavy. "Ivy?" I asked. "I'm here." She said in my head. "Thanks." I said. "I will go to the ends of the earth to get revenge on my brother." She said. I smiled. "Tommy doesn't know what's gonna hit him."

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