The Fight

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Harry collapsed on the ground. "They have him." He whispered. "Yeah..." I said awkwardly. "This is all your fault!" He suddenly yelled, shooting up and glaring at me.
"What!?" I exclaimed. "If you did trust me for once, than we wouldn't have left, and he'd still be alive!" Harry bellowed, his voice cloaked in rage.
It scared me to see Harry like this. Angry. Dangerous. Powerful.
"You can't seriously be blaming this on me!" I shout back in anger. "Well I'm not ordering ice cream right now am I?!" He screams. "You're not making any sense!" I yelled.
"I know!" He yelled back. "Why do you have to ruin everything?!" He snapped.
That statement made me freeze. "What do you mean?" I asked shakily.
"I mean, why did you have to come to Hogwarts, get my only family left kidnapped, steal my friends, and excel at my classes! Why do you have to ruin things and make them about you!?" Harry shouted.
"When have I ever done that!" I shot back. "When you first came. Remember when you were all like, 'Yeah, the only reason you survived that night was because I distracted the Dark Lord. Oh and BTW, I died and was raised from the dead, just to let you know.'" He said, doing a terrible impression of me.
I gasped. "You wouldn't have lived if I didn't distract him!" I bellowed in rage. How dare he.
"There you go again," he scoffed. "What is wrong with you?!" I asked him angrily. He's acting like a different person.
"What's wrong with me?" He asked me. "That's what I said dimwit!" I replied. "Fine. I'll tell you!" He yelled.
"FINALLY!" I yelled in fake happiness. He scowled at me. "You're my problem. You can't just waltz into my life and change everything." he snapped.
"You figured out that you had a twin sister who saved your life! You can't just pretend that that doesn't change something!" I yelled.
"You know what?" He asked, his voice dangerously low. "What?" I asked, my voice sounding shaky and nervous.
"That night. When Voldemort's spell ricocheted?" He clarified. I gulped and nodded.
He leans in close. "I wish you stayed dead." He growled. I froze and looked at his retreating form as he stormed towards Hogwarts.
Dead. He wished I was dead. My own brother. wished I was dead.
"I told you that your world would crumble." Ivy said. "Now since its started, its going to unravel." she said.
I growled in annoyance. He doesn't deserve me.
I know that sounds conceited and cocky. But he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me.
I started crying. Suddenly thunder sounded and lightning flashed, with rain pouring down onto me. I fell to the ground, curled up into a ball and cried.

I let out everything.
Missing my parents
Losing my brother
Losing my uncle
Losing my so called, aunt
That jerk Voldemort
My secret.
Know one can know that I can change into any animal or creature I want without a spell. I can also replicate people.
No one came know.
The thought of me angered harry. I need Sirius. I stormed away to go find my uncle. THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE LEFT. because Harry isn't family anymore.

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