Surprise. Not the Happy Kind.

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I doubled over, laughing. Harry watched me like I have gone mad, Margaret glared daggers at me, and Ivy just looked confused.
When I finally stopped laughing like a mad woman, I tried evening my breathing to steady myself.

"What's so funny?" Ivy asked me. "Voldemort actually loved someone!?" I exclaimed. "Yes." Margaret growled, her yellow eyes glowing.

"Well I mean it's so weird that a person who killed his own sister could ever love someone." I said. Something flashed through Ivy's eyes. I stopped laughing.
"Why isn't Veronica conscious?" I asked her. "Her body was not physically strong enough." Margaret explained.
"Wait so why are you evil?" I asked Margaret. "Years ago, when Tommy Riddle was still Tommy Riddle, I grew up next to their house. Ivy and I were best friends and I often came over. Tommy and I slowly fell for each other. He asked me out when we were fifteen. all of us had gone to Hogwarts at the time. He told me a prank that I needed to do with him. I did Uganda for expelled.He didn't. He told me it was a misunderstanding. Then, when your father died, ivy, he told me it was a terrible wizard and it wasn't himself, which it originally was. He told me that he would love me for forever if I killed the man who murdered his father. So I searched for three years for the man. Tommy found me then, claiming that he had a sickness and would die soon. He said that even though I didn't find the man, he would still love me for eternity. 'I am going to die.' He told me. 'so spend forever with me die with me.' He begged. so I did as he asked. I found out after my death, that it was all a trick: he was never sick and he never loved me. Not passed when we were young at least." Margaret sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry." Harry said kindly. She seemed to snap out of whatever daze she was in. "Its better really, this way.i have a reason for revenge now." She said.

"we all do." I answered. "So what's the plan?" She asked us. "What plan?" We wondered. She groaned in frustration. "The plan for getting revenge on Tommy."

Harry and I stayed silent. My brother whistled and spun in circles, acting oblivious to the question. "ummmm." I said nervously. "Um? What um?" Margaret asked cautiously. "We are kind of avoiding him." I said. "everybody does. He's a fricken evil wizard that almost took over the world. Now WHAT IS THE PLAN?!" Margaret growled.
"There isn't one!" Harry shouted back."Well make one up!" She snapped back. "Yes, because I can pull it out of my armpit and give you a perfect plan!" Harry yelled.
"That's not what I'm saying!"
"Have you forgotten that we can die easily!"
"So can every other student at Hogwarts that he can kill!"
"It's too much pressure!"
"It's not MY FAULT!"
After their round of yelling, they calmed down. I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted when my sister's body started shaking.

"Veronica?" I asked her. "Stop!" She screamed. My older sister then started screaming and shaking and thrashing around. "Margaret!" I yelled. "I don't know what's happening!" She shouted. "Ivy!" I yelled for her. "She's she's- I don't know!" Ivy exclaimed. Harry looked petrified and as did I.

She suddenly awoke with a start. Ashe screamed again. "Veronica! " Harry and I rushed over to her. "He- he was there. He's killing people! He has Ron and hermione locked in the dungeons! He killed- killed s ravenclaw boy! We have to go back!" She yelled.

"How?" Harry asked her while I regained my breathing to normal. "There's a tunnel. In Hogsmead. We can get in there!" She yelled. "Okay. Let's do it."

" now that would be a brilliant plan of I hadn't already heard it." A voice said. I jerked around to see Voldemort and death eaters appear from the forrest. "Voldemort!" I yelled standing up suddenly. "Yes yes it's me! Now, you have been very naughty haven't you, Harry and Victoria?" He asked me.

"You!" Margaret seethed. "Oh Margaret Mansy! It's been a while! How's death been treating you?" He sneered. "At least I'm not around you!" She growled. "Yes yes, Ivy has already given me the hate talk." He said dismissively. "I banished you!" Ivy cried.

"Oh yes but your words were somewhat like this: "I banish you until someone loves you besides yourself."" He quoted. "and?" Ivy asked. "Well Margaret here still loves me. a little itty bit inside of her still loves me. SO IM FREE!!" He smirked.

Then his smirk turned into a serious look. " So here's the NEW plan. Give me the twins. No one gets hurt." He said. "No way!" I exclaimed. "Your choice." Voldemort sneered and he took out his wand. Green light shot through it, and as if I was watching it in slow motion, almost like a dramatic scene from a movie, it hit its target straight in the chest. My sister. Veronica.
Hey! Sorry for he slow update but now that it's summer for ME I will have more time to post chapters. I don't have it up yet, but will you do me a HUGE GIGANTIC fabor and check out my new book: The Brothers of Rain and Thunder. On my next update I will tell you if it is up. THANKS FOR READING!!!

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