Pain, Anger, War

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Harry screamed. I fell to the ground. It must have rain the night before, because the forest floor was wet and soaking through my pants.

Veronica's warm brown eyes became a cold dead brown, the color of black dirt or coffee. She was once sitting up; but she took a sharp intake of breath, like she was going to go under water, and she collapsed onto the ground.

Her chest didn't rise. At all. Ivy, Voldemort, and Margaret were casting spells, but Harry and I heard nothing. We sat together over our dead sister; the one wines for a few hours.

Out of my peripheral vision I saw green, red, and blue lights shoot out from wands but my sole focus was on my sister. "Is it better this way?"

I asked Harry. I moved to sit were I could put Veronica's head in my lap, where I could run my hands through her hair. Harry looked at me. "What do you mean? That she's dead?"

He whimpered. It killed me inside to see my brother bent over our dead sister, his tears splashing onto her arm and he held her hand.

"No Harry. Not that she's dead. But that we barely even knew her. If we stuck together all of our lives, than wouldn't her death hurt more?"

I asked. "It would. Maybe. But it also hurts that in the small time we had with her, she died. Because of us."

Tears rolled down his cheeks as they did mine. "Her hand." Harry said aloud. "What?" I asked him. "Her hand is cold."

He sobbed and I sobbed as well. And I reached out for him and I hugged him. I had my brother. He had me. My hair had turned from Brown to silver, the color of sadness because it was the color of tears.

"Don't cry you little children." Voldemort sneered in fake sympathy. Harry closed his eyes, wiped his years away, and stood up angrily. "You murder our sister, our parents, and our threatening any person who comes close to us! What more do you want you miserable git!" Harry yelled, a vein on his neck popping out with his anger.

His eyes held a certain fire that dared Voldemort to challenge him. Unfortunately for Voldemort, he obliged.

"I want to rid the earth of potters and their miserable race! I want to destroy the boy and girl who lived and restore my power!" Voldemort boomed, his anger growing as well. I stood up and stood next to Harry.

"You mean your dignity." I corrected. "what?" Voldemort asked. "You are embarrassed to have been beaten by two babies! So you want to destroy us and convince everybody that it didn't happen! You want your dignity back!" I yelled.

"How dare you-"
"How dare I what? Defy 'He Who Must Not Be Named'? It's about time somebody did." I snapped.

"look whose acting all heroic today. Too bad there won't be enough room for that on your tombstone." Voldemort smirked.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry yelled immediately. Voldemort blocked it. "Avada Kadavra!" He yelled back.

"IVY!" I yelled. "Nomadic Bladac!" She yelled and Voldemort stumbled. Voldemort disappeared into a puff of smoke.

For a moment we were relieved but then Harry started violently shaking. "Prepare to die Potter." Voldemort's voice from inside Harry said.

Voldemort possessed Harry. Ivy flew into me and possessed me. Now it was a battle of brother vs sister. But what was worse was that one one of us would come out alive.

Harry and Voldemort or Ivy and me.

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