Revenge and Love

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Ivy gasped as she came back I to reality. "Voldemort." She gasped again. What was wrong with her? What happened to the evil wizard who wouldn't take anything?
"You- you- mom and dad- you- killed- murderer- me!" She yelled. Her eyes turned red. Everyone shuffled back.
Voldemort chuckled. "Mom and dad. And me. What? Why?" Ivy asked. "I wanted power. You were powerful and blinded by love for them. Love is for the weak Ivy." He sneered.
"You're wrong." She whispered. "What?" He asked her. "Love is for the strong. It is what kept Victoria and Harry Potter alive. You were not defeated by two infants brother. But by the love a mother had for her kids." Ivy said quietly. "As touching as that statement was sister, love does not keep people alive. Which you have already found out. You loved our parents and they loved you- yet you still died." He smirked.
"You can not handle loving." Ivy said. "You are not capable of it."
"I am not capable of being weak. And loving is weak!" Voldemort roared. "Love does show a weakness, yes. But it also shows how strong you are. Because when someone loves, they are strong enough to split their heart into pieces and give them to another. Weakness is heartbreak. Not love. And you brother are stone. Not capable of loving, therefore not capable of being strong. You will not live forever. No one does. You can go around claiming that everyone who shows affection is weak, but really, you are too afraid to give your heart away. To care. To love." Ivy said.
"Brother?" Ivy asked. He looked at her with hate. "I love you. As my brother I used to know, I loved you. Now you are not my brother, so I cannot love you. But I have loved. I am strong. I am also heartbroken because of Voldemort. But love has healed me." She told him. He glared at her. "I will never love you." he spat. "Voldemort will perhaps never love me. I will never love him. Tommy loved me. and that is all I needed." Ivy stated. Her voice was calm and soothing. She was right. Everyone knew she was.
"You are blinded by hate brother. Hate for the world, for me, our parents, two infants from 14 years ago..." Ivy's voice trailed off. She looked at me. "Get your revenge." I assured her.
She nodded and smiled. "Tom Marvolo Riddle: I hope you are still there. To Voldemort: I hope you find love. I was blinded by hate. Now because of love, I can see. Open your eyes for me." she whispered.
"Now there's only one thing for me to do." She closed her eyes and cupped her hands together. "Mirunooth el finde Del luvo." She whispered. An image appeared above her.
It was of a little boy and a little girl, both with dark hair and pale skin. They used magic to float toy trains and cars in the air. Then another appeared. They looked the same, except they were about 8 and suiting on top of a roof, pointing at stars. Then that one disappeared and another replaced it. The were at the sorting hat ceremony. Tom riddle was put into Slytherin along with his sister. They wrapped their arms around each other in a hug. Next, they were 15 and fighting. They used magic and battles each other. Later, they were 17 and graduating Hogwarts. They hugged each other tightly and smiled. They waved to two people. I'm guessing it was their parents, for they looked like copies of both of them.
Next, they were older and it was Ivy's death. The selfless way she gave herself up so that her parents would live. Except Voldemort was lying. He killed his sister for her power. The images were gone.
"Voldemort, I banish you. May you never return until you find love. Love in someone but yourself and that you may leave this hate filled mask. Bring me my brother back, and then you may return." Ivy cast the spell, and Voldemort turned into smoke. The death eaters left, because they were unsure of orders.
I helped Madam Pomfrey, along with other students, to help the dead and injured. As I covered a dead Ravenclaw girl with a white cloth, O felt Ivy jump back into me.
We didn't talk, except when she helped me use ancient spells to help students. I dragged Hermione out of the closet and she was still unconscious. The snake bite was gone, and the color returned to her face.
Ron had cuts over his face, and he was also sporting a nasty purple bruise on his cheek. Harry was beaten up as well, seeing as he and I were the main targets. Neville walked with a limp. McGonagal was getting a cast on her hand and Snape had a nasty but from his knee to his ankle. "We did all of this." I say to Harry. "I know." He whispers. his face looks fallen and sad. "That isn't us." I said to him, referring to Ivy and Voldemort.
"It might be! Everything is the same! Our parents our dead, we're twins, we are the cause of deaths, no matter if we murdered them ourselves or they died fighting for us. Vics that is us in a few years!" He hissed. I grabbed his hand. "Harry, I love you too much for that to happen." I said. "Great now you're sounding like Ivy with your love stuff." He groaned.
"Okay look, we may be similar but we aren't going to end up like that. I promise." I said. He nodded. I have him a quick hug and then talked to Ivy.
"You okay?"
"I'm fine."
"You sure?"
"Okay. Ivy?"
"Will that be me and Harry?"
"I hope not."
"Me too."

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