Depression, A Suicide Attempt, and Voices

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   Harry's POV
       Victoria is gone. Veronica is gone. They're both gone. Voldemort disappeared after killing Victoria and Veronica. The only family I had left- gone.

I know I sound repetitive but it still hasn't processed in my mind.

They're gone.
Veronica's gone.
Victoria's gone.
I'm gone.

Not physically, but emotionally, I am non-existent. There is no more reason to live. Why would there be, when I had no one left?

I could almost hear Ron going,  "What about me, you bloody git?" And Hermione would go, "Stop being inconsiderate and feeling sorry for yourself Harrold." Even though my full name wasn't Harrold, she has insisted that she calls me by it.

After hours of just staring at nothing, I force myself to stand up. My legs feel like twigs and it's all I can do not to fall back on the ground. But I force myself up, and after much struggle, begun walking.

I don't even know where I'm going. Just that I need to get away. Away from Hermione and Ron because I'm going to unintentionally kill them one day, by Voldemort. And I can't let that happen.

I'm going away from something else though. And I don't know what it is. Fear? Anger? Disgust? The fact that I have no one left except a lost godfather and a death eater aunt? I don't know.

I'm running away from everything.
And nothing.

I come to a cliff with a 40ft drop. At least it's what I'm guessing. At the bottom of the cliff there is a river that looks as if someone emptied black ink into it and it clouded the waves. Sharp, jagged, black rocks were mounted at the bottom, almost like the teeth to a monster.

I sat down on the lip of the cliff's edge, my legs freely swinging in the air but my butt on the hard, uncomfortable rocky ground. One step.

One step until I was reunited with my parents.

One step until I was reunited with my sisters.

One step and I would be out of my misery and sadness.

One step and I would be plummeting to the black rover's raging waves and jagged rocks pierce my my skin and end me.

At the time there was nothing I wanted more.

But then I heard it. It made me pause. It was the wind, but i was convinced that I had heard a voice whisp through it.

"Harry, stop." it had said. It was a woman's voice, one that immediately made me calm and relaxed.

"Mom?" I asked, probably looking stupid talking to nothing but I didn't care. "Mom?" I asked again.

"Harry, don't be stupid." Veronica's
Voice filled my mind as it too, came and went with a gust of wind.

"Son, remember who you are." A man's voice rang though my ears. "Dad!" I yelled, desperately want to see them.

"Harry, don't let him win. Don't jump." Victoria's voice washed over me, making tears fill my eyes.

Then the wind left.

A new one came.

"Come on, Harrold. Be smarter than this. Who died for you? Don't let them die in vain. Don't die on me Harrold." Hermione's know-it-all voice (that would have originally made me annoyed, gave me a rush of relief.

"Harry! How are you that idiotic? I mean I knew you were stupid, but this is taking is to a whole new level!" I cringed at Ron's loud voice. Typical Ronald, so blunt and unsympathetic.

They left.
A new one came. This was worse.

"Do it Potter. Rid the world of yourself." Malfoy's voice took over my brain.

"Make my life so much easier, Harry Potter. Throw yourself away like the useless thing you are." Voldemort chimed in his head, his hissing voice wrapping around my head.

"Ahh, nephew. A beautiful sight, really. As you already know, I enjoy death. But yours will be one I cherish forever." Bellatrix's barking laugh echoed in my ears.

"Stop!" I yelled. The wind died and left, along with he voices. I was now standing up, farther away from the cliff. I walked back to the edge of it, peering over the edge. Wind blew against me, pushing me away from the edge.

And that's when it hit me. They don't want me with them. At least not yet. They wanted me to live. And that was what I was going to do.

I turned away from the cliff and walked back to Hogwarts, listening to the winds all the way home.

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