In Between, Lost Brothers, and Threats to a Malfoy

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It was white. Like I was staring at a blank sheet of paper. My eyes were open but I felt like they were glazed over, not really looking at anything.

And then I asked the most cliche and asked question when all a character sees is white.

"Am I dead?" I asked nobody. "No, you are not dead." Someone replied. I turned to look at the source of the voice and saw my mom.

I think it was her at least. From what I've heard of her, her blazing reddish orange hair and her green eyes (similar to Harry's) matched the woman in front of me.

"Mother?" I wondered out loud. "Hello Victoria," she smiled at me. "Where am I?" I asked her, looking around for any sign of life, finding none.

"You're in The In Between." She replied. "The what?" I asked her. "The In Between. A place where you are half dead and half alive." She answered. 

"So what do I do?" I asked her, looking around at the bright white room. "Well, you either chose to die or you chose to live." She replied. I just stood there, frozen.

Here I could be with my mom, my dad, and my sister. Alive, all I have is a broken Harry. The choice was obvious.

"I'm going to stay with Harry."


   I returned to the Forrest and Harry was nowhere to be found. "Harry!" I called out. No answer.

"Harry  Potter!" I yelled louder, cupping my hands over my mouth to project the sound.

"Harry James Marvin Potter!" I yelled- no- practically screamed to an empty Forrest.

  "A butter bear please." I told the wizard at the Three Broomsticks, handing him my money. A minute later I got my drink and I sat down at a table, Resting my head on the table.

I had spent hours searching for my brother and I haven't found anything. He wasn't at Hogwarts,  nor at any place in Hogsmead.

"Ooh look! It's the charity case that everything bad happens to." I heard malfoy spat in my direction and laugh. "Not in the mood Draco." I mumbled.

"Ooh did I hit a nerve? Did I make you die with laughter?" He laughed mockingly at me. "Draco...." I warned. "Sorry sorry. My parents taught my better. But they didn't teach you better, now did they Victoria? It's because you didn't have parents!" He mocked me. I got up and in one swift motion, dumped my entire butter beer over his head.

"Why you little-" he was interrupted from his insult to me with a sock in the stomach. He groaned and fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

I started walking away but froze when I heard what he said next,"Wait til my father hears about this!"

I chuckled humorously at his threat. "Dear, dear Draco Malfoy," I started, turning around and walking towards him, fear evident in his cold eyes.

"I have been killed, brought back to life, found out I had a twin brother, a death eater aunt, a former death eater uncle, a sister, and a semi evil soul of the former sister of voldemort. Then, I have been tortured by voldemort, and watched my newly found sister die in front of me. And I have watched my brother emotionally break apart, only to then have I died once again! And only to be brought back to life again. All in the span of 14 years old my existence. So, I suggest that you stop the threats before "Murdering a Malfoy Jerk" appears next on the list of things I have done in my fourteen years. Do you want that? Didn't think so."

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