Chapter 33

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"(Y/N)!! Be careful!" I looked up to see asuma and gai standing there. 'Why are they here they should be having fun.' "Beautiful Lotus step away from the ledge." I began to feel faint, must be from the loss of blood -- good this will end soon I'll no longer be a burden. I took a step back and the rubble under my feet shifted- one more step and I'd be free falling.

"NO STOP, Just come back with us and we'll talk this out." Asuma took a step forward. "No stop I have to do this!" I warned. As I shifted my feet. "No, no you dont how do you think kakashi will feel, or your friends, your parents wouldn't want it to end like this." He said as he took another step closer.

"Relieved, they would feel relieved I was gone asuma stop l......le.....let me do this." My vision had gotten even blurrier. "No why would you think that we all need you alive."

"No you dont, yall lived on without me before I should have just died then......Asuma my own parents didnt want me and I was a burden to kakashi to begin with........but if you do see him tell him I said goodbye and to raise the kids well." The graven shifted under my feet again and i looked back. I glanced at asuma and fell backwards. I was falling--it would all end soon.

'This isn't so bad I feel like I'm flying.' I closed my eyes to relish in the moment, my last moments.

Suddenly I felt the impact--but not the impact of the ground I was waiting for. The impact of someone's arms on me. I opened my eyes the best I could, but my vision was still blurred so I couldnt quite tell who had caught me.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" It was kakashi's voice. "Kakash.....shi, what are doing out of the hospital." At some point it had begun to rain but I dont know when. "Shhhh shhhhh stay with me dont talk." He looked at my arms and saw the blood running down them. "Shit, (y/n) why."

" wernt see the end." I had closed my eyes because it was too much of a strain to keep them open. "No no dont talk like that, this isn't the end--it cant be the end."

"C...o.....l.....d" I muttered before I blacked out.


I looked down to see here eyes closed and her skin as white as snow. "Shit!" I cursed under my breath as I pushed off of a tree branch harder so I koved faster I had to hurry or......or I'd lose her again.

When I got to the hospital I saw a group  ready at the doors including the hokage. I place her on the stretcher and began following her down the hallway. "Sir, you need to stay back this is serious we dont need any destractions."

"No, no I'm coming-" I was interrupted by lady tsunade, "Hatake you will stay here I'll let you know if anything happens." And with that they all rushed away.


"Ok I need a run down of what I'm working with here." Medical ninja scanned her body. "Seems to be a suicide attempt."

"Im detecting multiple sleeping sedatives coursing through her system!"

"One severe puncture wound in her chest, I'll check for internal damage!"

"A multitude of large gashes across the forearms of the patient."

I listened to all the damage she had done to her body and cursed myself for being the cause of all this damage. "So shes suffering from blood lose and overdose am I missing anything!" I screamed ready to proceed with saving her.

"Lady tsunade....the chest wound has punctured her lungs, they are slowly filling up with blood." 'Shit.'

"Kiara start healing her arms, asahi go get 2 blood bags 0 positive, and shizune continue monitoring her vitals while I heal her lung." I heard a choir of yes maims as I leaned over to begin my work. I grabbed the needle and tube. I use my chakra to guide the needle through her chest and to her lungs without causing more damage. Once there I began extracting the blood that had filled her lungs. When I had gotten all remains of blood from her lungs I slowly pulled the tub and needle from her body while healing it with my chakra along the way.

When I was done I put away the tube and needle, finished closing the whole in her chest. Then moved to her stomach area to begin moving the sedatives that wernt fully dissolved from within her body, back up and float out of her mouth. I drop them into a bowl and stop. Everyone else had finished their part earlier.

"Ok now akiara take her to room 203 and let her rest in there till she wakes and when she does I want to be notified immediately." I said as I took my gloves off and wiped my beads of sweat on a towl. "But lady Tsunade that's the hokage recovery room!" I looked at her with a look that could kill. "I know that now how and I want her hooked up to an iv pumping glucose and medication but no sleeping sedatives. GO!" With that they cleared the room and I began my walk back to the hokage office. I was stopped after exiting the room. "Is she ok, did I make it in time, can I stay with her?!"

"Calm down Hatake she should be fine you can go wait in her room until she wakes if anything changes let shizune know immediately!" He was gone as quickly as I finished speaking. I continued to walk back to the office.

When I got there jariah was waiting there in a chair opposite the hokage desk. I sat down and didnt look at him.

"Tsunade." I continued to pretend to look at a piece of paper. "Tsunade look at me!" I hesitantly looked up. "OH jariah when did you get here?"

"Dont play with me tsunade you told me my daughter didnt make it! YOU LIED!"


"SHE WOULDNT HAVE NEEDED SAVINV IF YOU HAD BEEN HONEST WITH BOTH OF US FROM THE BEGINING. EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDNT WANNA BE APART OF HER LIFE DOESNT MEAN I DIDNT." He stood out of his chair so fast it fell and his hands slammed against the desk. I looked down as tears continued to run down my face "I know that jariah I relize that but then I was still shaken up over everything and didnt want to be held down I didnt want it to affect your life either. I thought it was for the best she didnt have a failure of a mother instead she got a normal childhood with the unconditional love of a mother and a father. You were still searching for the child of profacies it just seemed like the best option." I was sobbing by the time I got that all out.

Jariah came around the desk, "Tsuna I would have made changes, life isn't set in stone, we could have lost her today but we didnt thank the lord but we need to be more open."

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