Chapter 40:

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Kakashi POV:

By the time i had woke up the sun was already well in the sky and y/n was gone. I assumed she had woken before me and therefore had gone to her room to pack which i also needed to do. We agreed to meet at the castle gates at sunset to depart so i needed to hurry. I never usually sleep in but ig i was just exhausted fron the day before. I began gathering my equipment and clothing and packing it in the backpack i had brought.

When i was done it wasnt yet time to meet up so i decided to take a quick shower and catch up on some reading. Just as it was time to meet i left to head to the gates, i cant ever be on ti.e for something so nonchalant she can just get mad at me later. Exept when i get there no one but the guards were there. I waited a little longer continuing to read my book but after 10 minuetes she still was no where in sight. I decided it would be best to go look for her. I checked her room, asked william if he had saw her and looked in the garden no sight of her but her stuff was still unpacked in her room. William had said he figured she had been with me but i hadnt seen her since we fell asleep last night. I made 2 shadow clones and we spread out in search of her. 15 minuetes had gone by, the sun was setting, but still no sign of her anywhere. Im starting to get suspicious.

I make my way down to the dungeon to find that all of the mercinaries from yesterday had been killed. I summoned pakkun and asked him if he could catch a scent.

Pakkun raced to the left and up the stairs and straight to the dinning room. He raced to a pulled out chair which held y/n's headband in its lap. Pakkun and i nade eye contact and pakkun nodded, following the scent further it led outside and he continued down a path. I told him to hold on as i raced back inside to gather her things and pack then the best I could.

We continued down the dirt path and we were going for what felt like forever. Pakkun needed a break so he poofed away and I continued down the path searching for clues.

As I kept going I spotted somthing blowing in a tree branch up ahead. Jumping up to where it was it looked like a piece of navy blue from ninja pants. Assuming it was hers i continued down the path. I soon came upon an abandoned camp ground. The wood from the fire was still giving off heat, and there were multipke sets of footprints in the dirt across the way of the fire.

I continued down the path going as fast as my legs would carry me, as I grew closer i heard men holding conversations, "this was way easier than i thought." One said. "I was a little worried bc the copy nin was there but he didnt even notice i think we should make it there in the next 20 min" said the other. I gained a little more and could see the 3 men in question the 2 talking and a 3rd that had y/n slung over her shoulder. She was still in the white t-shirt from before so this piece of clothing must have come off one of the other men.

Instead of rushing in i decided to wait out the 20 min to figure out where their destination is, i just hope y/n can hang on till that happens.


About 20 minuetes later i see a cave in the distance with 2 men outside gaurding it. I sit in a tree and watch as rhe 3 men make their way inside greeting the gaurds as they walk in. I decide to make a move a man exits the cave and i follow him a distance away before quickly and quietly slitting his throat. I take his clothes and put them on myself shape shifting into him and hide his body. 

I make my way inside, "Hey Riko, already back." One of the gaurds says to me, "Yeah forgot something" i said back. The gaurd nodded and i made my way inside, i see a maze of entrances and find myself with no clue where to go. I suddenly hear metal clang together, down one of the hallways and decide thats the one i should take.

As i race down the hallway I see y/n standing in a defensive position and accross from her the 3 men from before along with 2 other men dressed the same as the gaurds outside and 1 man in a chair further back. I come to the edge of the entrance and am called to immediately, "Riko get over here she woke up before Raisuki got here" y/n eyes me cautiously as i make my way over to where the other 5 were. "You should just give up you'll have more of a fighting chance fighting after we give you to Raisuke. Plus to insure you go quietly Riko is here and trust me you dont want to test him, he is stronger than most of us he is the second in command." I almost laugh bc if he is so strong how was i able to take him down in one swift move. I wink at y/n trying to hint to her who I am but she just spits at me instead.

"Fine we can do this the hard way" one man says as he charges. Y/n reachers her hand up to summon a vine only to be met with nothing she lookes confused as a flash of concern flashes over her facial features. "I see you finally relized you have no jutsu" the man running stops amd chuckles, "would you like to give up now." Y/n drops her arms and the man comes up and locks her arms together in the front.

"Rico, Raisuki will meet you near the dark hole by sundown to get her make sure she doesnt try anything" the man in the chair says i bow slightly and take y/n by the arm roughly and lead her down the same hallway as before. People nod with greetings and say goodbye to 'rico' as I head out i dont change my attitude and stay silent when i feel we are in the clear I release the transformation jutsu but continue the silent treatment and the same possition behind her till she noticed.

"How long until we get there" she asks. I dont answer. "Who is Raisuki, and why the fuck does he want me." I again dont answer. "Are u fucking mute-" she says as she turns around her eyes grow wide and she jumps back startled. "Kakashi what the fuck" she exclaims i bust into laughter. "How the fuck- when did-" she confusidly remarks.

"I discovered you gone this morning and when nobody knew where you were Me and pakkun when out to find you, i eventually caught up and swapped places with whoever Riko is and you know the rest." She laughs.

"But i left his body somwhere and they wre bound to find it eventually so we better get going. Suppress your chakra and rub this scented loation on you to make ur scent dissapear we cant take any chances."

She looks at me and says, "could i change travalling and fighting in this isnt grand and i feel a little exposed." I blush slightly remembering she is in nothing but my t shirt and her shorts. "I think you look fine like that" i retort. She goes to hit me and i grab her arm and kiss her smiling as i pulled back and handed her bag to her.

She pulls out clothes and looks at me expectantly. I just look back at her. "You just gonna stare at me?" She sarcastically questions. "Is that an option." I say raising my eyebrows with a smirk. She smacks me, "No turn your ass around" i chuckle as i pivot.

She changes and we start our journey back home.


Around 3 hours into the journey home I hear a twig break and look around confused until i see a silhouette of a person in a tree. I jump pushing y/n to the ground as i see a kunai comming her way.

5 men jump out of the trees and surround us. The same men as before. "How the hell did they find us" y/n says. I run through everything in my head but she is right there is no way they could have found us we suppressed our chakra we changed her scent and used a cloaking jutsu the first hour of the trip to make sure they couldnt find us. So how the fuck did they.


...heyyyy guys, its been a while, cough cough almost a year and a half. Im sorry ive been busy with gymnastics and cheer and senior year shit. On the bright side i just graduated and im done with gymnastics so i have a lot of free time on my hands. Bad news i plan on finishing up this book soon and starting on the other one. Ive been brainstorming and olanning it so it wont be as willy nilly and will be more thought out haha. Its good to be back tho. Please show the book some love and dont forget to
And as always see you in the next update

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2023 ⏰

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