Chapter 11: 1 year

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Time skip to the twins first birthday
(Y/n) POV

Its finally the day I've been planning for weeks. I have to make sure everything is perfect. "Kakashi did you get the smash cakes, real cakes and ice cream?" You asked him as you were getting all the table decorations out. "Yes baby I did, but why dont you calm down a bit it's just a birthday party." Kakashi said as he set the desserts on the counter.

"Honey it's there first birthday it.." you were cut off by Kakashi saying "doesn't have to be perfect because they are one they wont remember it, really." He states as he goes up to you while you are digging in the fridge. He hugs you from behind and you lean into his embrace. "See now doesn't it feel good to calm down?" He asked as he rested his head on your shoulder. "Ye.." you stop when you hear crying.

You start to head upstairs and Kakashi follows you. When you get in Rin is crying and Sakumo is standing in the crib holding the crib railing. "I'll get her you just go put Sakumos outfit on." He says as he picks Rin up out of her crib. You walk over to Sakumo and play with him.

"Are you ready for your first birthday? Huh little boy." You baby talk to him as you get his sleep pants on. Then you take his shirt off and put him in his outfit. It was blue and green striped pants and a blue shirt with the words "I'm a big boy now" on the front and "1 years old" on the back. When Kakashi finishes he walks over to you and says "all better, new diaper new me." You turn and tickle Rins stoamach. "Her clothes are laying on the railing of her crib put them on and meet me in the liveing room ok?" You ask. "Yeah honey I'll be there after I'm done." Rins outfit is the same as Sakumos but with pink and purple.

You head downstairs and put the kids on the cakes and ice cream in the freezer. As Kakashi heads down the stairs with Rin you hear a knock at the door. Kakashi sits on the couch and you hand him Sakumo.

You go to the door and open it to see Sasuke, Sakura, Sarada, Naruto, Hinata, and Boruto. "Hey guys come in the Gifts go on the island in the Kitchen and yall can go play with Kakashi and the twins." They nod and put the gifts up and play with the babies. Later the rest of the crew gets there and yall play and have fun.

"Ok guys can we have your attention so that we can do the smash cakes now." You say as everyone turns to look at you. You grab the two circular cakes from the counter and set them on the eating part of the eating chair for babies. You then go to Kakashi and grab Rin as he brings Sakumo. Yall situate them in there eating chairs and back up to watch them. Sakumo just slowly pokes the cake and puts it up to his mouth. He continues this and tries his best to not get dirty.

Unlike her brother Rin is just smashing and grabbing her cake. She is a mess with cake all over her face and in her lap. "Look at sister, do that Sakumo." Kakashi says pointing to Rin. Sakumo just stares at his sister. Kakashi then walks over to Sakumo and grabs his hands and presses them into the cake.

Sakumo didnt like Kakashi's idea and starts to cry. "Oh you dont like that do you Sakumo." You said as you go to grab some paper towels and wipe his hands off. He looked done with the smash cake so you grab the cake hat was barely touched. Everyone thought you were going to put it up, but instead you smash it into Kakashi's face.

"Excuse me what was that for (y/n)." He said as he wipes of his eye and forehead not touching what's on his mask. "Well we couldn't let the smash cake go to waste so I smashed it with your help." You said as you started to laugh. "What was wrong with your face having cake on it." He said as he finished wiping his face. "Well you cover up most of your face anyway so it's easier for you to get cleaned up." You grabbed Sakumo out of his high chair and put him on your hip. "Yeah yeah I'll be back I guess." He said as he teleported to the bedroom.

Sakura came up to you after he left. "I wonder what his face looks like without the mask." Sakura said looking at you. "Me too." You told her. "Wait you've never seen his face and your married with 2 kids th hat are one." She said as she looked suprised. "No I've seen it and man it looks beutiful but you will never get to see it so I didnt want to antagonize you." You told her grieving her a pat on the back while walking to get Rin out of her high chair.

You walk up stairs with your messy babies. "I'll be back I'm ganna go change the kids into clean clothes." You said as the people down stairs start to talk and play with each other.

You walk into the bedroom to find your husband shirtless and without a mask. He jerks his head to see you. "Oh it's just you (y/n) you scared me because I didn't have my mask on." He says as he go ed s to his dresser and grabs a new shirt and one of his backup mask.

"No your wrong the twins are here as well." You said with a smile. "Oh I'm sorry hello twins, did you want something or did you just come to see my abbs." He said with a big smile on his face. "No i have to change the twins and cant do it by myself so i came to get you to help." You said walking over to the bed. You set down the twins "here watch them while I grab the clothes." You said as you left the bedroom and headed to the nusery.

You go into the nursery and open the twins dresser. You got out 1
2 outfits and head back to the bedroom. When you got back to the bedroom Kakashi was fully dressed and playing with the twins on the bed. "Hey kashi do you wanna dress Sakumo or Rin." You asked walking over to the edge of the bed.

"Um I can dress Sakumo." He answered as he grabbed him and went to the opposite side. You threw him the clothes and yall dressed the kids and went downstairs. When yall got downstairs yall did the real cake and sang happy birthday. Yall continued to have a fun day at the party.

Time skip 30 minutes

"Bye guys thanks for comeing." Kakasgi said as yall's friends left. You were sitting on the couch with 2 toddlers that refused to go to sleep even tho they were tired. Kakashi goes to the couch and grabs Rin from you. You both started trying to convince the toddlers to go to sleep. You got up and went to the fridge. You grabbed 2 bottles of milk for the twins. You put them in the microwave to heat them up. You took them out and shook the bottles.

When you were done you handed one to Sakumo as you walked over to Kakashi and gave him Rin's bottle. After a little while they both finished their bottles and were asleep.

You and Kakashi got up and went upstairs to the nursery. When yall got their you placed the babies in their crib.  You quietly left and went into yall's bedroom. You plopped on the bed while Kakashi quietly walked to the bed and played down next to you on the bed. He wrapped his hand around your waist and you wrapped yours around his stomach. Not to long after you both were asleep.

Later in the middle of the night you and Kakashi shot out of bed at the sound of both of your babies screaming in terror. You try to run to the door but Kakashi teleports to you and grabs you. He teleports next to the bed and put you down. "You stay here your not a genin yet it's not safe." He told you teleporting into the nursery. You knew he was right but you worried about your babies. You waited impatiently for Kakashi to tell you it was ok. When he finally came in he had Rin in his hand. He came to you freaking out and his sharigan was open. "Kakashi where is Sakumo, is he ok?" You asked as Kakashi quickly handed you Rin and started towards the door. "He got taken!" Kakashi said stressed.


Hey guys sorry for not posting sooner I have been busy. As always please vote and comment down below if you want something specific to happen in the future. After this chapter thing will be getting more intense.

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