Chapter 9

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When he pulled his hand away from your face you were so happy you could have cried. "O my gosh Kakashi I cant believe you did this, I love you." You said as you turned to hug him. He had his mask pulled down and was smileing at you. He hugged you back and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I'm glad you like it babe." He told you as you began to explore the nusury he had made for you in the guest room upstairs. There were 2 cribs, one blue and one pink one that was on the wall to the left of the door and the blue one on the other wall next to the pink crib. The walls were painted purple. There was a changeing table in the corner in between the two cribs. In the opposite corner of the room there was a bed for you to sleep in when you wanted to stay in the nursery. Finally there was a rocking chair in between the bed and the blue crib.

After you finished talking with Kakashi about the nursery you and him ate and then went to bed. The next days were pretty normal. Kakashi would go to work dureing the week and you would stay home. On the weekends Kakashi would watch movies with you at the house. Yall had the same routine for about 3 months.

Until one day you were laying in bed just thinking about what the babies names should be and you had a contraction. You cried and attempted to get up. You needed to go tell Kakashi that it was time. Of course he had to go to work on the day you were going into labor. You grab your stuff and head out the door you have multiple contractions as you were walking to the acadamy. You had a contraction and had to pause leaning your hand on a building. "(Y/n) are you ok what's wrong?" You hear jariah say. "No I feel like I'm dying, I'm going into labor and I need to get to Kakashi before I go to the hospital." You told him as he came over to help you. "(Y/n) you go to the hospital I'll get Kalashi." "No I'm going to Kakashi if it means I give labor in a freaking classroom. Just take me to Kakashi." Ok well then here." Jariah bites his thumb and does hand signs before slapping his hand on the ground and yelling "Summoning Jutsu!" A giant toad appears. "I need you to take us to the acadamy quickly, (y/n) is in labor." He said as you and him get on the toad. The road starts to go towards the acadamy and let's you off when you get off the road disappears. You make your way inside and to Kakashi's classroom. "Kakashi come on." You tell him as you reach his classroom. "Wait why I'm in the middle of class and you should be at home what are you doing?" Kakashi asked you concerned. "Kakashi I'm going into labor hurry up let's go."

"Oh ok um class just study till a substitute comes in." He said as he hurries to get his stuff and yall walk away. As you are walking you feel liquid trickle down your leg. Your water just broke

"Um Kakashi we need to hurry I think my water just broke. As you told him this he grabbed you and carried you bridal style running to the hospital when yall get there he says "Hurry somebody help me she's going into labor." When he said this a group of nurses and doctors grab you from him and put you on a rolling bed. As you are rolled and Kakashi is behind them watching you you yell at him. "This is your fault Kakashi you did this to me." They take you to a room and after about 2 minutes of them changing your clothes and hooking you up to machines Tsunade walks into the room.

After 2 hours you had finally given birth to two beutiful identical twin babies. They took them to the back to take care of them. When they came back they set them into your arms, your babay boy in your right hand and your baby girl in your left. You smiled while looking at them. Kakashi is smileing at you and them. "Look what we did honey." Kakashi said as he was playing with the baby boy's hands with his finger. "Would you like to hold him?" You asked him while looking at your smileing little boy. "Yes." Kakashi said edgar to hold his kid. You hand him the baby and you look at the baby girl. "I've been thinking about what we should name the babies and I think I've figured out what to name them." You told Kakashi looking at him and your baby boy. "Oh yeah what did you have in mind?" He said not takeing his eyes off his baby boy. "What about Rin and Sakumo?" He looked up and at you. "I love it babe." So yall agreed on their names. And you and Kakashi loved on them till the nurse came back to take them away.


Hey guys I know it's been a while and this is a short chapter but I'm at church camp and dont really have any time to right. I just want yall to know that I'm still here. I also already have the plot made up for the next chapters so be looking for that. I should post the next chapter before this week ends but as always comment vote and follow me if you feel like it. Also I would like to thank infinitydiceA for viewing on my chapters I really appreciate it.

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