Chapter 24

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So after that mission we went back to those lousy D rank missions. Speaking of we were just finishing up with them for today and I was going going to pick up the twins on my own today because kakashi had a meeting with the hokage and the other jonin.

I arrived at the day care and walked in, I had really been trying to boycott this area because of what happened on that day but alas kalashi is busy so I have to check them out. I walked up to the desk, "hi I'm here to check out rin and sakumo." "Oh yes of course just sign there names and your signature." She said then went quiet as I went to do so.

After a few seconds she spoke. "So you must be Kakashis wife right?" Of course.... I nodded my head. "About what happened last time i...." she started but I cut her off. "Yes I'm married to kakashi hatake, yes we love each other, and yes those are my kids. I love each of them with all my heart but what I do not love is the fact that my husband is always on your mind it seems. I kindly ask that you back off from my husband next time I won't be so kind. He is mine amd we are happy that way." I finished put the pin down and went to get my kids from inside the room, all the while the lady at the desk had a look of shock on her face.

I walked in to get them and they came running to me I put a smile on my face and grabbed them we locked hands and walked home. When we got home I gave them some tiny pizzas I had made before. After that we played pretend ninja. I put the kids to bed after a while and was sitting on the couch watching some tv.

The door handle jiggled and I looked over at the door. In walked kakashi. He quickly took off his shoes and walked over to me. I smiled "hi babe..." he kissed my cheek and went upstairs. 'Um..... WhAt, excuse me I have been working the whole day' I thought. I turned the tv off and made my way upstairs. 'So much for waiting for him to get home.' I made it to our room and walked in to find kakashis clothes sprawled out all over the floor. I looked to the bed and didnt see him, 'where did he go'.

I herd the water for the shower start in the bathroom. 'He must be in a bad mood.' I took my clothes and grabbed a towel from the hallway closet. I quietly made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and quietly closed it. I walked my way to the shower and slid the back door open. I stepped in and there he was standing with his eyes closed. I rubbed my arms up and down his back he flinched at first then opened his eyes. He turned around and looked at me. His eyes went up and down and then met my eyes. "(Y/n) what are you doing." He didnt seem to happy.

"Well you didn't seem like you had a good time after we parted and then you barely noticed me downstairs amd I waited for you all night. I was worried and figured that if I waited till after you were done I would have been ignored as well. My solution, well your looking at it." After i finished his eyes had widened. "I'm sorry i didnt mean to ignore you" he turned around "I'm just annoyed. Iruka doesnt think I know how to teach yall and it's so frustrating because I know what I'm doing just because yall are my first passing team doesnt mean I dont know how to do my job. So wh...." I walked in front of him and hugged him. He froze at first then hugged me back. "Shhh it's ok you do you you cant control what others do or think, but if you dwell on the matter too long then you'll miss what is right in front of you." I whispered I to his bare chest.

He bent down and kissed my head, "yeah your right and right now your in front of me, and naked might I add." He chuckled. He lifted my chin and kissed my lips. It was just a peck amd I wasnt satisfied so I did the only thing that came to mind and grabbed his head and brought it back to my face. At first it was genital then it got more and more rough. One thing led to another and you can just guess what happened.......or maybe not but shortly put we had sex. We both finished washing our hair amd bodies and got out we walked back to our rooms and but on the essintials, boxers, underwear and bra.

We walked to the bed and played down. My head on his chest like he was my pillow and we just laid there. Kakashi was reading his book and eventually I started to trace his abbs. "Kakashi" I said barely a whisper almost too quiet but he herd. "Mhm" he replied. "You love me right. I mean are you happy with your situation right now?" I asked wondering because of what I had told the desk lady. I mean j said it so confidently then but I dont really know his thoughts on our situation. I must have really got his attention because he closed his book amd put it on the night stand. He sat up bringing me along with him. We were both sitting up now but I wasnt looking at him I was looking everywhere but at his face. If he was going to let me down then I didn't want to see his face.

"Look at me (y/n)" he said I didnt respond and just kept looking at my hands as they fidgeted in my lap. "I said look at me." He didnt seem mad but he wasnt happy either. I listened and looked at him. "Of course I'm happy with you why are you questioning this now." He said as his eyes searched mine. "Well I went to pick up the kids again and well she asked about you and I got offensive and started saying how we were happy in our situation and you loved me, bit later I thought about it and I relieved that you could have not felt that way and I had just said all those things. Then I was like I mean he didnt choose me maybe he had a thing for anot..." he cut me off with a kiss.

"Believe it or not I had already felt a gravitational pull towards you before this whole incident happened. But I had to push my feelings away because a student teacher relationship isn't common so I had to push you away before i could get attached. Yes we were married by force but I do believe that it was bound to happen. I had a hard time in the beginning because I had to break my habit of pushing you away. But I do love you and and happy that I was paired with you. And as I've already told you I dont have my eyes on anyone else but you. Plus if I didn't love you do you really think I would have continued having sex with you after we had the twins." I blushed. "I playfully hit him "kakashi." He chuckled "I'm serious technically I could have avoided you after we had the twins but I actually did live you......bow come here." He said as he grabbed me i squealed and giggled as he tickled me. "S......sto.......twins........sleeping." I struggled to get out. He stopped and grabbed me as we laid down. "Oh and we have a meeting with team 7 tomorrow, so we should get some sleep." day....................

We were all waiting for kakashi at the bridge. I had no clue what was taking him so long to get here because we both dropped the kids off just before coming here. Soon enough he got here and told us he had signed us up for the chunin exams. He gave us some piece of paper and we departed. We were challenged by a hidden mist ninja which I later found out was iruka.

*After the first exam and starting the second*

Anko explains that we needed both scrolls so we would need to steal one from another team and it had to be the opposite of the one we had then sadly make it to the temple with both scrolls unopened. They handed out the scrolls to each team and we had an earth scroll. "Ready set......GO!" Anko said and the gates opened we ran into the forest of death.

The second exam had started......time to kick some but.

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