Chapter 28:

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Timeskip by almost 3 years........

Kakashi POV

The twins have grown up so much and run is like the spitting image of her mother. It hurts to look at her sometimes because the resemblance is so uncanny I see her. Sakumo is like the perfect mix of us. He has his mother's (h/c) hair and its thick like mine. He has my onix eyes and his mother's smile. I had taken them to the preschool already and was heading to the memorial stone. After (y/n) pasted it was debated weather or not to put her name on the stone since she didn't technically die on a mission, but tsunade and I fought the other elders because the whole village was under attack so she was fighting for her village.

I had arrived at the KIA stone and set down the white orchids I bought. 'Hey (y/n) I know it's been awhile since I last came. The twins are growing up so fast. They start the academy soon. The number of people dieing from the virus has gone down so students no longer have to be married when they graduate. The twins will get to find someone they love. Naruto left to avenge your death and bring sasuke back, he should be coming back to the village soon. Sakura has been training with the 5th hokage. It's kinda like the whole team 7 split up after you left. You were our glue, you were my glue I miss you so much. The twins just turned 5 last month. I wish you were here, I failed you just like I failed my team last time. I promise I wont let anything happen to the twins.'

■At orochimaru's hideout■

(Y/n) pov

"Hikaru sweety go to our room and woat there ok baby I'm going to talk to lord orochimaru." I told my 2 and a half year old. He was really smart for his age he had to be in the system we lived in. His hair is a bit wierd its grey and stick straight to the right side, I've tried my best to get it to lay flat or normally but it never stays. I dont know where he gets his hair but it sure is interesting. "K mama." He said before running as fast as his little legs could carry him down the hall to our room. I watched him till he got there and safely inside before turning and heading to orochimaru's lab room. I had just finished going on the run he asked me to do for him.

I walked in and he looked at me. "Ahh did you get it." I pulled out the DNA sample he asked me too retrieve. "Yes my lord." I said as I held the vial and bowed my head. His tongue extended and wrapped around the vial in my hand before retracting. "Good any difficulties?" He asked to which I shook my head. "Ok now go back to your room and wait for further instructions." I bowed and left.

I hated that man and I hated being here but I have no choice. I tried to escape once but just ended up back at the hideout and not allowed out till he trusted me again. He did tests on me and discovered things about me that I'm not sure if I actually wanted to know. He ran tests on me and found my DNA didnt match the two dead people i knew as my parents. In fact he knows who my parents are but he wont tell me he says my biological mother is a senju and that's why i can control factors of the earth. He has given me the time and knowledge to know the extents of my power. I can control all parts of the earth that are already made like trees and grass, but the extent of my ability to create earthly things stops at my vines. I'm apparently not a full senju so my father's Gene's have stunted my clans power. I've also made new justin's that only I can preform at this time unless my son inherits my abilities. Tho I dont know who his father is or if that will effect him in any way.

I got to the room and found hikaru playing with a few of the toys we had collected. He looked up, "mommy." He got up and ran to me. I bent down and picked him up in a tight hug. "Hi buddy." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked over to our bed. I set him down. "Wanna play trucks." He nodded his head at me. We jumped down to the floor and grabbed two toy trucks he has. "Voom vom." Hes so cute.

I hear the door amd look at the door. I sigh at the person I see come in. Ugg I hate him but hes so close to orochimaru and in control. If I try to defy his advances again it wont end good for me last time I almost died. In walked Kabuto. "Hello my beutiful flower." I inwardly cringed "hello Kabuto." He walked over to me amd ran his hands along my neck. "You were away for a long time y'know I have to makeup for lost time." He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Kabuto not when my sons in here." He looked at hikaru. "Go play with uncle sasuke kid." Hikaru looked at me and I nodded. He ran out the door with two of his trucks in hand. He began kissing my neck amd I turned away.


It's been almost a month and thankfully Kabuto has stayed away. But now I'm being sent away on a mission. I had to go to the sand village to retrieve a scroll from one of orochimaru's men that's in hiding. Me and hikaru are heading out for the mission tomorrow morning.

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