Chapter 31:

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"Hey get up.....We have to get up before the kids do." I slowly opened my eyes. I felt I hardish surfs under my head and moved my hand to feel bumps. I freaked out, opened my eyes and saw my head on kakashi's chest. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry." I got up and looked at him. "If I cared don't you think I would have moved you or woke you up before." He raised an eyebrow. "Your right.... why didn't you move me." We made eye contact. "Because it was quite nice, would have been better without the clothes but...." Tomato that's what I was. I looked down while he chuckled. "I'm going to go wake the kids up and get the twins ready for school, you get dressed and meet us downstairs." I nodded and he walked out.

That's the second time he's teased me. Is that how it was teasing each other? Well two can play that game. I don't know about the old me too much but the new me will win this game.

I got up did my morning routine like brushing my teeth and going through my hair with a brush, then lol it in some black leggings and a leather sleeveless top that was zip up. I zipped it most of the way up and walked out and down the stairs.

"Hey guys did you sleep well?" I said approaching them. I got a chorus of yesses and head nods. We all linked hands like we used to and walked out.

When we got to the school they said that hikari could go to school early if we wanted him to and we agreed as long at the twins were in the same class. When we dropped all three kids off we headed to the hokage's office. When we got there we knocked on the door and walked in.

When we stepped inside we saw sakura and naruto standing in front if the desk. "As yall know y/n has made her waa at back to us. Though we have tested her knowledge with the deceiver corps we still have yet to decide her ranking when she was taken it was the chunin exams they were interrupted and not finished, but here in her file I found that the only two people the third saw fit to be chunin were..."

"Hold up granny only shikamaru was made a chunin." Naruto wined. Sakura hit him on the head. "Let her finish idiot, she's going to explain... right m'lady." She looked up. I chuckled 'they haven't changed at all' i thought. "No they haven't." I heard kakashi say. Did I say that out loud... oops. "Anyways as I was saying the only people the third thought fit were shikamaru and y/n, but she was declared dead so they only announced shikamaru being a chunin. That being said, y/n you can either take the position as chunin or have a chance to become a jonin with a little test." She looked at me.

"Always ready for a challenge what's the test." I said with determination. "You'll fight a jonin if you win your a jonin if not u stay a genin."

"OoOo little risky there but alright, who am I fighting?"

"The person who made you a genin, your sensei."

"With all do respect I dont think..."

"Kakashi I care not what u think, u fought naruto and sakura and tho you may be married to (y/n) you must still fight her. If you choose to withdrawal then she will stay a genin until I am no longer hokage."

I looked at kakashi and he seemed as tho he was contemplating, "Kakashi..." I warned.

He nodded his head, "I understand milady when will her test begin?"

"In an hour, you may decide how u want it done if not from the usual methods."

'Usual methods?' I didnt know what those were but shouldn't be too hard right.

I went to the training grounds and began to work on my kunai accuracy and some other things.

I was throwing kunai at the dummy kn the other end of the field I decided to test my new trick out and made a kunai I threw it and it missed but when it hit the ground a clone of myself appeared and looked at me nodded and it disappeared. That's a new jujitsu I had been working on to distract the enemy and think I missed. They got expect the unexpected.

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